Top Ten Tuesday–Words That Instantly Make Me Pick Up A Book

By Megan Love Literature Art & Reason @meganm922
  hosted by Broke and the Bookish   Top Ten Words/Topics That Instantly Make Me Buy/Pick Up A Book   1. Dystopian (my ears immediately perk up when I see this term or terms that imply a dystopian world.)   2. Post apocalyptic (I feel the same way about this term as I do Dystopia)
3. Strange world, magical, something amazing hidden under the surface, everything will change for [main character] (anything that differs from normalcy will get my attention)
4. Untangle a mystery, discover something that will change everything (anything that implies things aren’t what they seem)
5. Words that imply a dark, gritty, haunting book or one that deals with important issues. (I can’t really thing of an exact word or line, but anything with this gist or feeling will usually interest me.)
6. Secret, magical, enchanting (This pretty much covers the realm of beautiful stories or stories involving a magical world)
7. What would it be like if.. Imagine a world where…  (This is basically THE phrase to reel me in. My brain is automatically intrigued and anxious to read the book.
8. In the future, [insert strange concept full of awesomeness or terrifying reality] (This line always gets me to read the full synopsis)
9. Mythology or other magical/supernatural people/concept (greek gods, angels, demons, vampires, werewolves… I could go on. I’m all about it.)
10. Together [heroine and love interest] must [solve awesome conflict] [something about love] (Even though this is a cookie cutter line for most stories, if it appears in any of the above summaries, I know there’s some sort of romantic thing happening that I’ll enjoy in the story.
Alone, though, I’m not sure it’s one that always hooks me.)
Basically, I’m open to any story where the world is somehow different than real life. If it’s a contemporary novel, it’s one that deals with issues and is somehow gritty and relevant (and therefore highlighting an issue in such a way that it seems less than normal). I read for a break in my routine. My life is not that stressful. I don’t read to escape stress, so my books tend to have incredible conflicts that I can’t really relate to, but I enjoy solving them through reading. I do like some sweeter, lighter love stories and contemporary novels, but I’m much pickier about them than I am with other books and I have to be in the mood. I’m not even sure what hooks me for that genre.