Top Ten Tuesday: Who Ya Gonna Stalk? #TTT

By Lipsy @lipsyy

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish (click the link to visit them) who pick a different topic each week.

This week the topic is…Top Ten Bookish People to Follow on Social Media

I probably don’t use social media as much as I should do considering I have a blog to promote. Twitter and Instagram are the only ones I really use for bookish/blog stuff and I go through phases of remembering to use them. I’m the same with following people too. But there are some really great bookish people that I do follow on Twitter (and should pay more attention to):

@Patrick_Ness: I mean let’s face it, Patrick Ness is my just my favourite, ever.

Last time I’m ever nice to anyone ever. If she had a dog, I’d Manchee it. (I wouldn’t, I’m lovely)

— Patrick Ness (@Patrick_Ness) April 1, 2016

65 minutes on the exercise bike. I am lightheaded. There’s a unicorn here pooping 1D songs.

— Patrick Ness (@Patrick_Ness) March 25, 2016

@BookSmugglers: Self confessed ‘Review Mavens & Super Dorks’, UK-based The Book Smugglers are award-winning bloggers who post great reviews, features and book news.

@MattHaig1:  I actually haven’t read any of Matt Haig’s books (yet) but his presence on Twitter is funny and inspiring.

Someone said I need PR training if I want to be a poster boy of mental health. I don’t. I want to be the poster boy of silly Christmas books

— Matt Haig (@matthaig1) March 25, 2016

@BookBloggersChat:These guys are based in the UK and arrange book blogging chats on twitter which is a great way to get involved in the community and support each other.

@Jabberworks: Sarah McIntyre is a children’s author, illustrator, comic book creator and cosplay enthusiast. She does a lot of work with libraries and schools, promoting creativity in kids. She’s a whole lot of fun.

@AitchLove: Hannah Love is Children’s Publicity Manager at Faber Children’s and reviewer for @booksforkeeps and @welovethisbook. She tweets about everything bookish, both promoting and just generally fangirling. She’s very active in the book blogging community and sometimes even sends out books. A must-follow for YA bloggers.

@SarraManning: Sarra Manning is an author and Literary Editor. Her tweets make me LOL (as well as keeping me up-to-date in bookland).

Improvised a turban from spare pair of pants in my gym bag as I forgot my hand towel. A teachable moment I think, but not one for Instagram.

— Sarra Manning (@sarramanning) March 30, 2016

@Cleo_Bannister: Cleo is one of my favorite book bloggers who reviews mainly crime fiction and dark thrillers. She’s very active on Twitter and retweets her favorite posts from the book blogging community.

@IsobelJournal: Isobel Harrop is the author of The Isobel Journal which was published after she became a Twitter sensation by tweeting her old high school diary. She tweets about books, life and vegan food.

@YALC: YALC is the UK’s YA Lit Con at the London Film & Comic Con #LFCC. This year the convention is on 28-31 July 2016 so if you’re thinking of going give them a follow.

Who are your bookish must-follows on Twitter?