Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Facts About Me

By Curlygeek04 @curlygeek04

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, is ten facts about me. I so rarely get to write about myself on this blog.  So, here are a few semi-interesting, semi-chronological things about me.

  1. I’m part Polish, Romanian, and Czech. My father was born in Czechoslovakia but had to leave as a young child during the Holocaust.  He grew up in Israel.
  2. I’m one of four sisters, no brothers. My sisters all have daughters, no sons.
  3. Growing up, I loved dinosaurs, fantasy novels and Dr. Who.  I felt like a misfit because I didn’t like the things girls were supposed to like.
  4. When I was 14 I was hit by a car walking home from my high school. I was out of school for nearly two months.  I don’t remember being hit but I still get nervous crossing streets.
  5. The best job I ever had was working for a used bookstore in Tucson, Arizona called The Book Stop. Not only did I learn a lot about books, I could take anything home and read it for free (helpful for a poor lit major!)
  6. Twenty years ago I got a law degree but I never practiced. The movie Legally Blonde is written about my law class.
  7. I was 26 the first time I traveled to another country.  I backpacked around Scotland for two weeks by myself.  It was an amazing experience.
  8. I have a tattoo on my back shoulder that’s a Charles Rennie Mackintosh rose. My sister and I got tattooed together.
  9. I rarely get hints or sarcasm, and I take things really literally.  I also can’t really whisper.
  10. I never wanted children, and I’m happily childfree.
  11. I got married the year I turned 30, which I think is the perfect age to get married.
  12. When I’m stressed, other than a good walk, the children’s section of the library is my favorite place to go.
  13. I collect antique books by L. Frank Baum, mostly the Oz series. I grew up on those books and I love them.

So that’s me!  Hope you don’t mind my blathering on about myself.  I don’t do it very often.