Top Ten Tuesday: Playing Hooky With Books!

Posted on the 27 March 2012 by Pocketfulofbooks @PocketfulofBooks

Description Top Ten Tuesday is a weakly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Every week a different topic comes up and bloggers list their top ten books in that category. I love a good list...I've always said that. That's practically my catchphrase.

Top Ten Books You Would Play Hooky With

These are are books that I got addicted to and had to read in one sitting- ones I really did play hooky with!
10. 'Nights at the Circus' by Angela Carter
You can never have enough Angela Carter in your life, and this book is pure, sheer marvelous fun.  It focuses on Fevvers, a woman who is – or so she would have people believe – a Cockney virgin, hatched from an egg laid by unknown parents and ready to develop fully fledged wings. She is awesome in every singe sense of the word.

9. 'Ghost World' by Daniel Clowes

This graphic novel is a very quick read- it is a slimmy but a goody. It makes me laugh every time and the art is amazing. If you liked the film adaptation you will love this; very dry, very cool, very very charming.  SO many pop culture references here too if you are into that!

8. 'Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close' by Jonathan Safran Foer

I think I've already told everyone I know how muchI loved and adored and worshipped the table this book was placed on so how could I not include it!? JSF's writing just gives me happy stomach bubbles and makes me hug myself. This is a brilliant book and will make you want to tattoo your hands. 7. 'The Tiny Wife' by Andrew Kaufman
It's not only the wife who's tiny- the book is very compact as well. It will take you a mere hour to read but it is perfectly formed. After a strange type of robbery, unexplainable things begin to happen to the people who witnessed it. Very smart and quite moving. Easy to read in one sitting.

6. 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' by Steig Larsson

Even though this book is on the huge side I read it in one day because it is that unbelievably addictive. By the end you are clamoring to know what happens even though your eyes are itching and you feel a little unnerved. I would definitely miss work to finish this.

5. 'V for Vendetta' by Alan Moore

One of the best and most complicated graphic novels ever written, you will not be able to put this down. Given new significance in the London Riots over the summer, this book is sinister, relevant and brilliantly illustrated. Unputdownable.

4. 'Beloved' by Toni Morrison
Even though I read this quite a while ago, it is engrained in my mind forever because it is such a beautiful and well-written story. And devastating of course. One that I often recommend to people because I just think everyone should read a Toni Morrison book and this is a brilliant one!

3. 'The Knife of Never Letting Go' 
The whole 'Chaos Walking' trilogy had me reading through the night- they are incredibly addictive and suspenseful...and brutal. Never shying away from a bit of blood and bruises don't read this if you like your characters to remain in tact! 
2. 'The Time Traveler's Wife' by Audrey Niffenegger

I kindof feel that everyone who is going to read this has read it by now but if you haven' should. Take no notice of the crap film adaptation either- this is a special book. The Time Traveler himself is delicious and I want him. His wife is also a character in it. 

1. 'The Secret History' by Donna Tartt

This book is fantastic. Upper class intrigue, a murder, a small group of Ancient Greek students makes for some addictive reading. The characters draw you in because this is a long book with very few characters so you feel like you know them by the end. I couldn't put it down

Thanks for reading my 'Top Ten Tuesday' post- let me know if you're looking forward to any of these or currently reading them!