Top Ten Tuesday: If You Really Loved Me… #TTT #WishlistBooks

By Lipsy @lipsyy

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish (click the link to visit them) who pick a different topic each week.

This week the topic is… Top Ten Tuesday REWIND — go back and do a topic you missed over the years or recently or a topic you really want to revisit.

I’m pretty pleased with this topic because I missed last week’s and really wanted to do it. Therefore (even though it will make me cry because of all the pretty books out of my price range) I’m doing: Ten Books You’d Buy Right This Second If Someone Handed You A Fully Loaded Gift Card.

  1. The whole collection of Penguin’s Clothbound Classics. I have one so far (Alice in Wonderland). Must try harder! £20 each
  2. David Bowie Is: Companion to the V&A Exhibition❤ £35
  3. Peter Pan: Yes I already own two different copies of this…but this new one looks so pretty and has interactive illustrations (almost a pop-up but not quite). £25
  4. The Chronicles of Narnia: My set is one of the standard paperback ones, but I want a nice version like this sooooo bad! £75 ish
  5. Red Queen Hardback Book Set: This isn’t out until Oct 25th, and I have Red Queen in hardback already, but Glass Sword in paperback…which is irritating…£29

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  6. Canterbury Classics Leather-bound set: So, so pretty! £105
  7. Labyrinth 30th Anniversary Visual History: Omg I need this so bad. It’s also not out until Oct. I think it will be the first thing on my Christmas list £30 (and while we’re at it I’d like the novelisation too but can’t find it anywhere – not the original version anyway).
  8. The Gormenghast Trilogy (Folio Society edition): Need I say anything? £30
  9. The Raven Pop-Up Book: I didn’t know this existed until, well, just, but now I NEED IT! £25
  10. The Compact Oxford English Dictionary: Yep, I’m totally channelling Rory Gilmore here…but who DOESN’T want this beauty!? £260

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I really could have carried on FOREVER!