Top Ten Tuesday: Favourite Book Quotes!

By Pocketfulofbooks @PocketfulofBooks

Description Top Ten Tuesday is a weakly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Every week a different topic comes up and bloggers list their top ten books in that category. I love a good list...I've always said that. That's practically my catchphrase.
Top Ten Tuesday: Favourite Book Quotes! Top Ten Favourite Book Quotes!

I really enjoy a good quote. Although I do think most quotes don't actually mean much because they are taken out of context...but oh well they are still lovely! I have realised my emo side in this post...I mainly like quotes that make me sad. Also, I cheated a little and used poetry too!
Quote is From: 'The Secret History' by Donna Tartt Top Ten Tuesday: Favourite Book Quotes! Top Ten Tuesday: Favourite Book Quotes! Why I Love This Quote: I love Donna Tartt and 'The Secret History' is one of my favorite books of all time. For me, this quote is memorable, dramatic, and resonates with me.
Quote is From: 'Wise Children' by Angela Carter Top Ten Tuesday: Favourite Book Quotes! Top Ten Tuesday: Favourite Book Quotes!

Why I Love This Quote: Angela Carter is one of the greatest writers of all time and her books are seriously special. When I think of them I think of glamour, sparkles, feathers, sex, smeared lipstick. For me, this quote sums up that aspect of her novels and I love it.

Quote is From: 'Piazza Place' by John Crowe Ransom (Poem) Top Ten Tuesday: Favourite Book Quotes! Top Ten Tuesday: Favourite Book Quotes! Why I Love This Quote: OK so this isn't really a quote...more of a whole poem! I just love this poem...I think of the first stanza as being spoken by Death which is quite morbid but I love the image it creates!
Quote is From: 'Mad Girls's Love Song' by Sylvia Plath

Why I Love This Quote: OK I may have done it again...this is a whole poem rather than a quote! I just love is so sad and just forces you to feel something when you read it. 

Quote is From: 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' by J.K Rowling Why I Love This Quote: This quote puts a lump in my throat every time. I adore Snape's cuddly side and the simplicity of this conversation between him and Dumbledore is so heartbreakingly sad. Love it.
Quote is From: 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock' by T.S Eliot. Why I Love This Quote: This is an extract from the long poem by T.S Eliot. I love this poem, in which a man is depicted who is awkward and unsure. I love the last stanza above especially.
Quote is From: 'The Circus Animals Desertion' by W.B Yeats

Why I Love This Quote: I love the imagery. I love the idea that poetry and literature is born of other people's scraps all jumbled together and the heart itself is a 'rag and bone shop'. 

Quote is From: 'The Book Thief' by Markus Zusak
*SPOILER ALERT* Why I Love This Quote: I think there has been a theme in this post that suggests I love quotes that make me sad...and this is probably the one that I cried the most tears over. It is beautifully written and so gorgeous, just like the rest of the book.
Quote is From: 'Everything is Illuminated' by Jonathan Safran Foer Why I Love This Quote: I love everything JSF has ever written...I think he writes in the most achingly beautiful, poetic style and I find his novels rich and sumptuous. This quote is from one of my favorite characters and I just...ahhh.
Quote is From: 'Jane Eyre' by Charlotte Bronte:

Why I Love This Quote: It is timeless. Jane, so proper, so quiet, just needs love to bring out this passionate speech...which has me in tears every time. So lovely. Also, I love this delivery by Ruth Wilson and think she brings it to life perfectly:

Those are the top ten quotes that I can think of...I'm sure I've forgotten so many! Let me know if you love any of these or what your favourites are!