Top Ten Tuesday – Favourite Authors

By Jazmin-Jade

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created over at Broke and the Bookish where every Tuesday, Top Ten things of anything are listed. Todays Top Ten things are:

Top Ten Favourite Authors

Well, I don’t like this weeks one at all. How on earth am I going to pick? I have many authors who I have only read one book of and they are my favourite ones but I have yet to read anymore or their works. Do they count? BLAH HARD LIST. To try and make the list easier on myself, I am going to list the authors I have read the most of first and then work my way down to the ones I have read the least, but it in no way shows which author is my number one because I don’t think I have one.

1. Ali Yazawa author of Nana.The only work I have read by this author is Nana, but I loved every bit of it and there is lots so that counts right?

2. Matsuri Hino author of Vampire Knight. Though I think I like this series more than Nana (maybe) I have read some other works by this author and I didn’t like them quite as much.

3. Richelle Mead author of Vampire Academy and Bloodlines.Love both of these. Really interested in seeing other works by her and if I like them as much.

4. Marissa Meyer author of The Lunar Chronicles. So so so good. Just amazing. I need more of anything.

5. Suzanne Collins author of The Hunger Games.

6. Veronica Roth author of the Divergent Series.

7. Juliet Marillier author of the Sevenwaters Series. Though I have only read two, I am completely confident that I will like the rest of the series.

8. Emily Gee author of The Cursed Kingdoms. Same as above.

9. Melina Marchetta author of On The Jellicoe Road. I have read two books by this author, one I loved the other not so much, but I keep her here because she wrote my favourite book.

10. Sarah J. Maas author of the Throne of Glass Series. I have only read the one book I can easily guess that I will love all the works. On a side note I am SO excited to meet her at Brisbane Supanova in November.

I showed you mine now show me yours!

If you want any of the books listed please click on the thingyami below.

Till Next Time…