Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Want to Reread!

By Lipsy @lipsyy

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish (click the image to visit them) who pick a different topic each week.

This week the topic is: Top Ten Books I Want To Reread (or if you don’t reread…would reread in an ideal world).

Well, this one is quite easy for me, as I set myself a Reread challenge this year because I’ve missed rereading my favourites since I started blogging. I used to reread a lot!

So far I’ve only managed two out of the ten, but hey ho…! Here are the 10 I chose:

  1. Northern Lights (His Dark Materials #1) by Phillip Pullman
  2. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
  3. Peter Pan by J.M Barrie
  4. Sunshine by Robin Mckinley
  5. The Final Testament of the Holy Bible by James Frey
  6. The Time Traveller’s Wife by Audrey Niffennegger
  7. The Gates by John Connolly
  8. 9. 10. The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins

I’m intrigued to see what’s made your lists!