Top Ten Tuesday: Books I'd Recommend

Posted on the 26 March 2013 by Kandee @kandeecanread

Woot. I originally wasn't going to post today because I'm actually am not feeling to hot today. But after video chatting with my boyfriend for several hours and not really doing anything, I decided to do this again. I use to do this all the time, but Tuesdays are EXTREMELY busy now with New Girl, Pretty Little Liars, clubs at school, I really can't post as much on Tuesdays as I'd like, but it's SPRING BREAK!!
This is me doing the meme over at  Broke and Bookish. And these are 10, more or less, books that I would recommend. 1. The Lovely Bones By Alice Sebold - I read this book after seeing the movie and I felt so many emotions that I had never felt before. It was amazing. I don't even know how to explain this book, just go read it.
2. Amy and Roger's Epic Detour By Morgan Matson - This is the book that made me fall in love with love. With romance. WITH ROAD TRIPS! I really enjoyed this book all throughout it. Not a down moment in this book
3. Wintergirls By Laurie Halse Anderson - This was literally the first book that made me cry. I think that says a lot about this book, DO NOT READ THIS AROUND OTHER PEOPLE. You will look stupid.
4. Pregnant Pause By Han Nolan - You don't have to be pregnant to like this book. Its like What to Expect When You're Expecting with a character and a story line and everything. Its so amazing. Like really, again, I can't describe this book to you. You have to read it to understand.5. Divergent By Veronica Roth - This book made was epic. I laughed, I cried, I almost threw the book, then I would have to pick it up because I really needed to know what would happen. I love the characters with all my heart and you will too.
6. Bumped By Megan McCafferty - I love books about pregnant girls and the fact that this book kept me cracking up made it even better. The first one, the sequel. They were amazing.
7. The Disenchantments By Nina LaCour - This book is like...WOAH. Just Woah. Read it. You won't regret it. 8. Hate List By Jennifer Brown - The first trip to my local library when I moved, this was the book I read. And 
9. If I Stay By Gayle Forman - This book made me laugh, then cry, then laugh all over again. The second one is way better, but you must read the first one to understand the second one. 10. Uglies By Scott Westerfeld - This book made me fall in love with dystopian books. 'Nuff Said there. So much better than the Hunger Games in my opinion. So those are my Top Ten Books I'd recommend really to anyone. They are amazing and I think anyone would really enjoy them because they are just THAT FREAKIN GOOD.