Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish (but Not Books) Wishlist…

By Lipsy @lipsyy

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish (click the image to visit them) who pick a different topic each week.

This week the topic is Top Ten bookish (but not actual books) that you wish you own.

1. I’m guessing this will on the top of most people’s list but I NEED my own library, preferably in a room that used to be a ballroom, with mirrored walls. Or failing that, all of these: Amazing Home Libraries

2. A window seat with a pretty view.

3. Some amazing book ends. Like these:

4. To arrange my books by color – and to all be the same size!

5. I’ve wanted a Peter Pan tattoo for about 10 years. This will happen. Soon!

6. My own library stamp for loaning books, like this one from Etsy.

7. A Penguin Books deck chair for reading outside in the summer.

8. A throne for reading. Everyone needs a reading throne, right? Maybe something like this…

9. An e-reader that is actually a book. As in, you can download any book onto it, but it still looks and feels like a book. Does this exist? It must exist. If not, COPYRIGHTED.

10. To read every book like this: