Top Ten Tuesday (33)

By Christiesbookreviews @christiewriting
Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created  at The Broke and the Bookish.Each week they will post a new Top Ten list  that one of their bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish will answer.
Top Ten Bookish Confessions
  1. I don't look up words in the dictionary. When I'm into a book and I come across a word I don't know, I don't want to stop, go find a dictionary and look up the word. That would take too much time and effort. I know it is bad, but I can usually figure out what the word means in the context it is used in. I do have to say having a Kindle fire is handy because looking up a word is super easy so maybe that will help me out in the future.
  2. I don't go to the library. I haven't gone to the library since I was younger. If I went now I would probably take out books and never bring them back and they don't like that very much, so then I would be banned. I like to own my books and read them at my pace. Even when I worked in a bookstore for 3 years, I could borrow books and rarely did.
  3. I always take off the book jackets on my hard cover books when I read them. I don't like my books to get ruined, especially the nice covers.
  4. Having e-readers has not slowed me down from buying physical books at all. Some books I have the e-book and the physical book.
  5. I own hundreds of books that I have not read yet and keep buying more. Blogging has made my to be read pile way bigger than it already was.
  6. I'm awful at marking or writing down quotes I like, and I wish I was better at it. It would be easier to do on my kindle and I need to work on remembering to do it. I refuse to write in book, highlight or dog ear a page so that is part of the reason that I have a hard time with it.
  7. I used to hate reading. I guess that is a huge confession. When I was younger I used to pretend to read and then get into trouble when I was caught. Once I found books I loved, I haven't been able to stop since.
  8. I used to have 2 sets of Harry Potter Books. One set of hard cover and then a set of soft covers that I read because I didn't want my hard covers to be ruined. Now I only have the hard covers.
  9. The only required reading I did not read in high school was A Tale of Two Cities. I couldn't get past the first few pages, it put me to sleep. I'm sorry to people who love that book, it is just not for me.
  10. I tend to judge a book by it's cover. I yell at myself when I catch myself doing it because I know I shouldn't, but pretty covers totally catch my attention. I almost didn't read one of my favorite books/ series because of the cover. I got it handed to me by a friend and I was like, "I don't think so" because it looked like a trashy romance novel, not my thing. I still don't understand why the cover art was done like that because they are not trashy romance novels. Oh and the book I am talking about is Moon Called by Patricia Briggs.
Well then, those are my bookish confessions. That was fun! Are any of mine on your list? What are yours!?