Top Ten Tuesday – 2014 Releases I Didn’t Get To

By Jazmin-Jade

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created over at Broke and the Bookish where every Tuesday, Top Ten things of anything are listed. Todays Top Ten things are:

Top Ten 2014 Releases I Meant To Read But Didn’t Get To

So many. Just, so many books I didn’t get to. I really need to get myself a sugar daddy so that I don’t have to earn money and I can just read all my life.

1. Of Bone and Thunder by Chris Evans. This is at the top of list because I am planning on reading this right away! The fact I havent read it yet is ruining my NetGalley ratio and I don’t like it.

2. Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins. I’m so keen to start this its not even funny.

3. Silver Shadows by Richelle Mead. I really need to hurry up and catch up in this series.

4. The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton. I own it. I am a step closer. I just have to wait until I find a house to move into before I can unpack the box it is in!

5. The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson. Again, so eager, why haven’t I read it yet?

6. Four by Veronica Roth. I can’t believe I haven’t bought this book yet. How is my OCD handling not having a complete set?

7. Half Bad by Sally Green.

8. Lark Rising by Sandra Waugh.

9. The Falconer by Elizabeth May.

10. Stolen Songbird by Danielle L. Jensen.

And there we have just sample of books I wanted to read in 2014 but didn’t. I will get to you books, one day I will get to you.

Till Next Time…