Top Ten New To Me Authors of 2014

By Bellezza @bellezzamjs

I loved going over my reading log trying to narrow down the top ten new-to-me-authors of 2014! I felt I was revisiting all the glorious moments of bookish pleasure from each of the twelve months past. Here, in order of which I "met" them, are the new-to-me-authors who spoke to me this year, and here's to hoping they will speak to you, too, if they haven't already:

Eleanor Catton for...

Herman Koch for...

Javier Marias for...

Birgit Vanderbeke for...

Jon Kalman for...

Simon Van Booy for...

Tom Rob Smith for...

Joshua Ferris for...

Robert Harris for...

Ludmilla Petrushveskaya for...

You can be assured that I will be reading more of what they've written in 2015.

(Find more lists at The Broke and The Bookish here.)