Top Ten Halloween Reads on My TBR

By Curlygeek04 @curlygeek04

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader GirlThis week’s topic is a “Halloween Freebie” so I decided to write about some of the Halloween reads at the top of my TBR list. 

What is a Halloween read, anyway?  As with most types of books, I have trouble putting anything in neat boxes.  For me a Halloween read can include anything that’s paranormal, frightening, or mysterious.  That includes murder mysteries, fantasy, and science fiction.  I found plenty in my TBR to put on this list, but I focused on the ones that have high ratings on Goodreads.

It’s nearly too late, of course, for Halloween reading, but there’s a long winter ahead, with plenty of time to curl up with a blanket and something warm to drink.  Which one of these books do you recommend?

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1)  Frankenstein by Mary Shelley:  It’s a classic and a story that has influenced countless others over the years. I feel like I may have read it when I was younger but I’m not sure (so the answer is probably that I didn’t).

2)  Winter of the Witch by Katherine Arden: I loved the first two books in this series. Arden’s writing is so atmospheric and I love her complex characters and use of Russian culture, history and mythology.

3)  Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones: a book that’s so often recommended, I really need to read it.

4)  Neverwhere or American Gods by Neil Gaiman: because I love nearly everything by Neil Gaiman, and these seem to be two of his most popular.

5)  The Dry by Jane Harper: I heard about this book on the podcast What Should I Read Next, and then someone in my book club also recommended it.  It’s about a murder in a small Australian town.  I don’t read a lot of thrillers but lately I’ve really enjoyed Ruth Ware and Tana French, and I do like the idea of reading a book set in Australia.

6)  Before Mars by Emma Newman: I loved After Atlas, though it was a bit gruesome and definitely disturbing.  I need to read the rest in this series.

7)    The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern: This is a book that so many people list as an all-time favorite.  What’s holding me back is the feeling it won’t live up to expectations.

8)    Ninth House or Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo: I adored Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom, so I need to read more by Bardugo, especially the other Grishaverse books.

9)  Scythe by Neal Shusterman: this is a book I know little about but I’ve seen it highly recommended.

10)   Clockwork Boys by T. Kingfisher: I’ve heard Kingfisher recommended, and I was definitely intrigued by the first chapter, enough to buy the book.  So it’s sitting on my Kindle, waiting for a read.

11)  Strange Practice by Vivian Shaw: also sitting on my Kindle.  This series sounds like a lot of fun — urban fantasy about a doctor (Dr. Helsing) who treats the undead.

A few of these authors are favorites, but most are writers I haven’t read before.  Which of these do you think I should read?  And what’s on your Halloween TBR in the last few days of October?