Top Songs for a Hipster Wedding

By Gigmastersweddings @gigmasters

For the past couple of weeks we’ve been looking at the hipster wedding trend. It’s a mix  of old fashioned and romantic and cool and sardonic. The hipster lifestyle definitely comes with its own soundtrack, so it’s no wonder that a hipster wedding would as well. Finding that soundtrack is a little hard because of course, once others know about it, it isn’t hip any more. Still, we have some suggestions.

5. Maps – Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs
4. Come Saturday – The Pains of Being Pure at Heart
3. Save Me – Goyte
2. You Always Make Me Smile – Kyle Andrews
1. First Day of My Life – Bright Eyes

5 Hipster Songs NOT to Play at Your Wedding

5. Pictures of You – The Cure
4. Say Yes – Elliot Smith (don’t be fooled by the title)
3. Cry When You Get Older – Robyn
2. Hipster Bitch – Lelia Broussard
1. Marry Me – St. Vincent (really, one you need to listen closely to the lyrics before playing)