Top Skills Required to Ace as a Digital Marketer

Posted on the 19 January 2022 by Blog Zed @Blog_ZED

With gig marketing taking up the pace, it has never been such a great time to be a digital marketer. For many, digital marketing is a dream job. But it all boils down to what is required to become a top digital marketer. To start off, it is a highly skilled profession, and there are sure some skills that can help in taking a leap.

In a digital world, Content is the King. If you know how to write a good website copy, if you know how to turn up a bunch of words into a compelling social media post, if you know how to write a great blog post, half of your work gets done. To ace as a digital marketer, you got to have great writing skills. It goes a long way and forms the foundation of every good digital marketer.

There was a time when digital marketing was limited to SEO, and many dot com companies used to get ranked in search engines by stuffing links in the footer of their website. Times have changed and so have search engine algorithms, but still, SEO tends to be an important aspect of digital marketing. As a digital marketer, you got to know about the latest Google algorithms, link building, on-page, and off-page optimization. Everything organic in digital marketing starts from how much traffic your website is generating, and this is where you get to know the importance of SEO as a skill.

Graphic Designing

Remember, Content is the King. Yes, content can be textual and also visual, be it any, it remains the king. If you have graphic designing skills, it eliminates the need for an additional graphic designer, which is a great selling point for any digital marketer. You don't need to be a wizard on Adobe Photoshop, as you can also be a master of DIY tools like Canva.

It was reported that 39.5% of websites on the entire internet were powered by WordPress. Be it an enterprise-grade website like CNN or TIME, or be it a small personal blog, WordPress is everywhere on the internet. Having the right knowledge of WordPress can help a lot especially when dealing with organizations that have WordPress behind their websites. It also eliminates the need for a web developer.

Analytical Skills

Being a digital marketer you will get to deal with lots of data, and numbers, be it from social media dashboards, or paid advertisement reports. Hence it becomes imperative that you have the ability to draw insights from this data and numbers. As a digital marketer, you should be able to tell a story, solve the problem, through this data, which requires analytical skills.

Social Media

With the increasing penetration of social media platforms in the lives of people, it has become a part of their lives. As individuals, we all like to stay connected with our favorite brands and public figures through social media. As a digital marketer, you should know how to use social media for informative, educational, PR, community building, announcement purposes for brands.

Communication Skills

Marketing is also an art of communicating ideas and values to the audience at large. So to be a good digital marketer, one has to have the ability to create clear, concise, and impactful communication. A lot of digital marketing involves the building of trust, faith, and relationship, it is where the role of effective communication comes into play.