When you have a blog, you want your readers to find it interesting and informative. Certainly, you write and post articles to your blog for many users to read them. But a good and informative article is not enough to make people interested in reading it, as they don’t know what they will find there.
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What I am trying to say is you need a very good and really catchy titles for your blog posts! If a person likes your title, the big chances are that he will read the article itself. So, your main task is to make this title a really good one.
Your title should reflet the main point of your article for a reader to understand what he needs this information for! Good and informative titles are even more important for that blogs where the main part of the article is hidden. It means that the title will be the only source for a reader to understand whether he wants to continue reading or not.
So, are there any rules of how to make your title perfect? I would advise you to follow these 5 tips that are always work for blogs.
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1. Use a HOW-trick
If you write about how to do this or that thing, this trick will be perfect! People like reading various instructions and learn about how to find something, how to make something etc. This trick was always used by Dale Carnegie, by the way: “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living”. Moreover, the majority of Google searches start with the word “how”. So, you may be sure that the article with such a title will be noticed and read by your blog’s visitors.
2. Use a number
For example, your title may be the following: “7 Secrets of Your Successful Interview”. When a person reads such a title, he finds the exact number of ways to solve this or that problem. Moreover, it’s always more interesting and easier to read articles composed as a list.
3. Use a question
The title built like this will motivate a person to read an article and find an answer, agree or disagree with a question asked. For example: “Should a Married Woman Work?” It will be perfect if you refer to your reader in particular: “Do You Watch News?” Do you feel that you want to answer this question?
4. Use specifications, explanations, or variants to reply the question
Such a title may combine both numbers and questions. For example: “Chocolate: Good or Bad?”, “What a Woman Wants: Top 5 Men’s Opinions”.
5. Use a news
Don’t forget about titles which tell readers some news. For example: “Samsung Galaxy S4 Launched On March 14!”. Usually, such titles sound like a sentence, and you better specify some details to make it clear for readers (when, where and what happened or will happen). It must be clear what information a person will find in the article itself. And don’t make your title too long or too short.
Your title is the first thing a person will see when he comes to your blog or website. So, do your best to make it catchy and informative.
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Over to you
What other trick and style do you use to give your blog title that flavor? You can use the comment box below to drop your answers. Do you have comments or thoughts that you’d like to add up? Then please do by using the comment box below. Remember that your comments and thoughts are highly welcomed and appreciated.
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