Top Posts of 2014

By Francoisetmoi

I hope you had a wonderful Holiday surrounded by your favorite people! Ken and I most certainly did–I’m infinitely thankful for such extraordinary [loving, warm, supportive] people in our lives that we’re lucky enough to call our family and friends.

As 2014 comes to a close, it’s fun to look back and analyze the blogging year, particularly, in terms of page views. I love looking at the individual posts stats to see which posts took hold and which ones faded to the background throughout the year. When I’m creating content for Francois et Moi, there are posts that I think will do really well over others. However, once they go live, I usually end up being wrong! It’s tough to predict, but attempting to understand it all is part of what makes blogging so much fun for me. Thanks for a great 1st full year, and your continued readership. You guys are my motivation!

Here were Francois et Moi’s top posts this year as selected by you! I hope to create more fun, DIY projects like these in 2015:

  1. DIY Striped Drink Perch
  2. DIY Gilded Accordion Sconce
  3. [Make Your Own] Patterned Leggings
  4. DIY Danish Modern Coffee Table

Is there something you’d like to see on Francois et Moi next year? Let me know, and I’ll do my best to make it happen!