Top Occasions for Sending Flowers

By Simon Crowther @prestigeflower

Top occasions for sending flowers

Fresh flowers make an excellent gift for every occasion. If you are wondering when you should consider or plan on sending flowers, here are some top annual events and occasions that call for a beautiful bouquet.


Sending flowers to celebrate a birthday is an excellent idea. A beautiful bouquet will brighten their day and let them know that you care. Alternatively, you could even send a potted plant if you want something that will last even longer. You can pair the birthday bouquet with chocolates, a bottle of wine or another optional extra if you like.


You should never let an anniversary go by without celebrating. Spoil your spouse with a beautiful bouquet and set the mood for the rest of the day or evening. Each anniversary is associated with a different flower, colour and gift. So, if you aren't sure what type of flowers to buy, you can use these ideas to ensure that you spoil your spouse with a different bouquet each year.


This is not an occasion that we like celebrating but it is one that calls for sending flowers. A fresh bouquet delivered to the grieving family members is the perfect sign of respect and token of your condolences. It's best to have the florist deliver on your behalf so that you don't make them feel like they have to invite you inside. This is a time when the family really needs their privacy.

Other annual occasions

There are also several annual occasions that are great for sending flowers to friends, loved ones and even co-workers. Here is a list of these occasions:

International Thank You Day - 11 January

Valentine's Day - 14 February

International Women's Day - 8 March

St Patrick's Day - 17 March

Halloween - 31 October

World Kindness Day - 13 November

Christmas - 25 December

There are also occasions that do not have a set date each year such as Mothering Sunday in the UK, International Mother's Day, Father's Day and Easter. All of which are great for spoiling your loved ones with flowers, chocolates and all sorts of other fantastic gifts!