Top Five Friday's: Books

By Katieemay @katieemay1

Top Five Friday's is a new weekly segment where I share with you guys my top 5 of certain things and this weeks is my top 5 books.
1. The Harry Potter Series by JK Rowling
These books literally define my childhood. I remember when my mom gave me the first book; we were on our way to France and I was 6 years old and mom passed it to me in the back of the car. I opened it and struggled through the first page and then my mom read the whole book to me on that holiday. Fact: My mom read every Harry Potter book to me, apart from the last one.
2. The Fault In Our Stars by John Green
Words can't describe how much this book effected me and changed my perspective on life. It's a beautifully written book which managed to make me laugh and cry at the same time.
3. Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
Here is another beautifully written book which is a definate must read for any teenager because even though you haven't nessacerily gone through what Charlie has, every teenager has felt the emotions he has. It's a classic coming of age story which I urge you all to read if you haven't already.
4. Billy & Me by Giovanna Fletcher
This book is a cute and heart-warming. Nuff said. I read it on my way home from holiday and it made me feel all fuzzy inside. It's a book that I think everyone can relate to on some level and it has a lovely message behind it.
5. Room by Emma Donoghue  
I read this book over the summer for my English Lit A level and it literally scared the shit out of me. I couldn't sleep one night and I was reading it at like three in the morning. Because it's so believable and could happen to anyone; it messes with your mind.
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