Top Celebrity Diets for Summer

Posted on the 24 July 2013 by Pacificprime @ThePacificPrime

Who hasn’t seen an incredibly fit and trim celebrity and envied his or her body? Or maybe even thought, “If I could just find out her secret diet, I could look like her!”

These days, many celebrity trainers and experts are sharing their secrets through books, DVDs, and TV shows. But do they work for the average person? Here, we look at top celebrity diets that are both smart and safe to try.

The Zone Diet

The Zone Diet’s main focus is on the proportions compared to daily food intake as a whole. Followers of the Zone get 40 percent of their daily calories from carbohydrates, 30 percent from proteins and 30 percent from fats. These proportions work out to a small amount of protein at every meal, plus larger portions of carbohydrates; an appropriate Zone meal might consist of a small chicken breast along with vegetables and brown rice. The Zone Diet also distinguishes between so-called good and bad carbohydrates. In the “good” category are vegetables, lentils, beans, fruits and whole grains, and in the “bad” category are pasta, bagels, tortillas and dairy products.

Zone Diet devotees eat three meals a day with the 40/30/30 proportion, and are also allowed two snacks. Dr. Barry Sears, PhD and author of the Zone, claims that this balance reworks the body’s metabolism to its peak efficiency, leading to not only weight loss but also disease prevention. Sears has said that by following the Zone, a dieter can expected reduced risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes, and Sears has even suggested that athletic performance may improve with use of the Zone.

But does it work? Yes, according to researchers at the Center for Science in the Public Interest, who have recently rated the Zone along with several other fad diets. The Zone’s overall balance of carbohydrates, fats and protein is sensible as a standard diet. These researchers do, however, suggest that some of Sears’s other claims may not be as reliable.

Jennifer Aniston is probably the Zone Diet’s most famous devotee so it’s not surprising that more people have taken an interest in what is now often called the Jennifer Aniston Diet. Demi Moore and Sandra Bullock are also famous Zone followers.

The South Beach Diet

If you want to look like Kim Cattrall, Nicole Kidman, Oprah or Eva Mendes (or at least eat like them), try the South Beach Diet. This eating plan is divided into three phases that start strict and get more relaxed as they go on. The idea of the diet is to eliminate cravings, jump start weight loss and maintain that weight loss for life. Another diet plan created by a doctor, the South Beach Diet also limits bad carbohydrates, restricting these foodstuffs especially tightly in the first two weeks of the diet. Good carbohydrates and good fats, on the other hand, are encouraged.

Phase One of the South Beach Diet is two weeks long. During this period, dieters may not have any bread, rice, potatoes, pastas, baked goods, fruits, or alcohol of any kind.  Low- or non-fat dairy items are permitted. The next phase of the diet allows a person some carbohydrates, although consumption is still limited. The length of this phase varies: it should be followed until the dieter hits his target weight. The third and final phase lets the dieter get back to real life, while still following the basic guidelines of the South Beach Diet. Snacking is encouraged, a plus for many people, and it’s also fine to eat healthy fats and low-sugar carbs.

Dr. Cindy Moore, formerly of the Cleveland Clinic and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, seems to think the South Beach Diet is rather sensible. She has pointed out that South Beach meets many criteria of a well-rounded and healthy diet by not completely eliminating any food groups (except during the first two weeks). Indeed, one important point of the South Beach Diet is that it continues to recommend healthy and sensible eating beyond the length of the restricted diet, and for the rest of one’s life.

The Fat Smash Diet

Celebrities have definitely used this diet – and the proof has been broadcast on television. Dr. Ian K. Smith, M.D. has used the Fat Smash Diet on reality TV show  “Celebrity Fit Club” with his famous clients who were competing to lose weight. Fat Smash is another diet that focuses on the long term and a healthy life, as opposed to quick, drastic weight loss – usually a sign of a healthier and safer diet plan.

Like South Beach, the Fat Smash Diet is divided into phases, this time four of them:

A strict nine day detox.

Three weeks wherein additional foods are while maintaining a meal schedule.

A four week-long phase that continues the diet’s earlier principles while introducing even more foods.

The final rest-of-your-life phase, where eating four to five meals per day is encouraged and just a few foods are off-limits.

This last phase of the Fat Smash Diet also incorporates principles of exercise, portion control, and not skipping meals. The inclusion of exercise and healthy eating choices for life makes this diet one that seeks to change a person’s relationship with food and weight loss.

Some experts are against the verbiage of “detox” in the Fat Smash Diet’s first phase because it suggests too much nutritional restriction. Other aspects of the Fat Smash eating plan are also quite strict; however, the diet still encourages healthy food choices, and puts a positive emphasis on exercise. The length of the Fat Smash Diet is also beneficial to followers who can form new and healthy habits during the first three phases of the diet, then stick to them for a long time to come.

With any famous diet, it’s important to remember that just because a celebrity follows a diet does not make it safe. When choosing a diet, it’s best to do research and carefully consider one’s own lifestyle. If a diet seems too crazy to follow, it probably is. Remember, losing weight is about being healthy and changing for the long term, so find a diet that encourages positive habits which can be practiced for years into the future.