Top Amazon International Cookbook

By Ally @allykitchen

My new cookbook Ally's Kitchen~A Passport for Adventurous Palates that's a top Amazon international cookbook would not have happened without YOU! Five years ago, I had no idea I'd be doing a cookbook, but it happened because so many of you on social media kept saying to me 'ally, you need to do a cookbook!'

It was thirteen months of really hard work from creating the recipes, tasting, tweaking, throwing out, starting over again to taking the photographs to working with designers to lay out a special and unique cookbook~yep, it's here now and available.

My cookbook makes a really groovy gift whether it's for a wedding, birthday, holiday, or just for no reason! My Mama would be so proud...I just wish she were alive today to see this~my dedication to her says it all. Thank you my foodie friends from all over the globe!!

Click here to buy it on Amazon

Click here to buy it at Barnes & Noble



Tags:ally's cookbook, ally's kitchen a passport for adventurous palates, cookbook