Top 7 Items to Take on Your Ski Holiday

By Simplypiste @simplypiste

Taking a skiing holiday is one of the best ways to ensure that you have endless fun while you are on vacation. However, there is no worse feeling than arriving at the ski resort or even the slopes and realizing that you have forgotten to bring along some critical item. Just as bad is a situation where you do actually pack what you need but you do it the wrong way and your items become damaged in transit. Here is a list of the top seven things you need to bring along for your ski holiday, as well as the best way to secure them for travel.

One of the most obvious things that is critical to a well-prepared ski vacation is the outerwear that you will be sporting on the slopes. Most people are vaguely aware of the fact that it will be cold when they ski—after all, there is snow everywhere. However, new skiers may not envision the true weather conditions that exist when they are at such high altitudes: in addition to the snow on the ground, the air itself is freezing cold. Your outerwear will consist of a ski jacket and a pair of trousers. Be absolutely certain that the set you buy is for skiing and not just for fashion (even if the word “skiing” is on the label). Also, the modern style is for baggier trousers, but you will need to make sure that they are not so baggy that they drag.

A second critical item is your base layer. Under the water and wind-resistant outer layer, you will be wearing insulating clothes to aid in keeping you warm. Specially designed thermal clothing and micro-fibre fleece is ideal because it helps wick sweat away so that you stay warm.

The third item is the single most critical aspect of clothing you need to bring – ski socks. You can be sure that the success of your trip will be directly related to the amount and quality of the socks you bring. At minimum, you should bring two pair so that you can wear one while the other pair dries. Ski socks are specially padded for ski boots, and the good pairs are foot-specific, printed with an “L” and “R”. Trying to make do with regular socks just simply will not work.

Fourth, if you have your own ski boots, you should certainly bring them along. Renting ski boots is sort of like renting skates at the local ice rink – they never seem to fit quite right, and get more and more uncomfortable as the day goes on. No need to bring your own skis, though, as you can get the latest models for rent from the ski lodge, without having to lug your own through the airport.

Fifth, you will need to bring ski sunblock and lip balm with SPF. Many skiers have realized the hard way how well snow reflects the UV rays from the sun. If you want to avoid a sunburned face, and being mocked by the locals, then make absolutely sure that you apply sunblock.

Sixth is an item that is becoming more and more popular on the ski slopes – a ski helmet. With the growing recognition of the dangers of “mild” brain injuries and concussions, an increased emphasis has been placed on the protection of the head. When it comes to your health and possibly your life, it is best not to take risks.

Finally, you should remember to pack a bathing suit! No regret can match the one you will feel when all your friends and family take advantage of the resort’s deluxe whirlpool and sauna, and you are left out of the fun!

As a final note, you should probably consider packing your belonging in a special-made ski bag. These have compartments for all the things you will be bringing, from your ski boots to your clothes. You can also stuff small items inside your ski boots to save space while packing. Ski bags are the best way to ensure that your valuable belongings are not damaged when they get manhandled in transit.

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