Top 6 Cloud Gaming Sites

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

The cloud has certainly taken the modern world by storm. The notion of data storage and streaming via off-site servers has changed the way people do everything from backup computer info to access music, movies and TV shows.

The cloud is becoming so ubiquitous in daily computing that many people don’t even realize that their email and social media accounts are actually cloud-based applications.

But the cloud doesn’t stop there — indeed cloud gaming is becoming more and more popular. This is evidenced in many ways, including the notion that Microsoft and Sony’s next-gen gaming consoles are said to revolve heavily on cloud gaming.

But for now gamers have lots of options for cloud entertainment provided they have a semi-quick computer with a healthy Internet connection. So in the interests of letting gamers stream the most titles possible, here are some of best cloud gaming sites currently around.

Onlive is one of the more popular cloud-gaming sites, as it streams some of the most popular titles. And this service isn’t just limited to computers; Onlive streams to mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets as well. One of the other reasons the site enjoys robust traffic is due to the fact it offers no-commitment demos users can play after a free signup. If users like what they see, they can then choose from different purchase options like bundled monthly packages or renting individual titles.

There was no way a goliath corporation like Sony was going to miss the cloud-gaming bandwagon, and Gaiki is the result. The site itself has been around for a while, all the time building a comprehensive library of titles big and small that should sate the hunger of even the most ravenous gamers. Like Onlive, users can choose opt for monthly plans, and most titles offer free demos.

This site combines Smart TV with on-demand gaming with a fairly successful result. Owners of Smart TV can stream games right to their television in seconds via their remote control and can choose to rent or purchase the titles.

This is another option for those fans of Smart TV. Gcluster offers a modest library containing some 200 titles as well as 15 live games. Those who do possess the IPTV set-top box can turn their TV into a game console in no time with Gcluster.

This site may diverge from the above entries due to the fact it isn’t solely game based. In fact, it offers a variety of applications, from office suites to audio programs. But Spoon makes the list because it offers a comprehensive library of some 1,000 games as well as a free plan of use for up to 1 GB. Once this limit is exceeded, users pay a monthly fee.

Ubitus has been providing cloud-based media to the masses long enough that they have developed a reputation for quality. As for gaming, they offer streaming to computers as well as mobile devices, and all titles are offered instantly in slick 1080p resolution.

While the above list may not represent every cloud gaming option out there, it should provide gamers with enough options to satisfactorily while the days away without getting bored.

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