Top 5 WTF Moments of True Blood Episode 5.01

Posted on the 13 June 2012 by Thevault @The_Vault

What an amazing season premiere it was!

This is our selection of the top 5 WTF moments of episode 5.01 – Turn, Turn,Turn

What were your best WTF moments? Post about it in the comments.

In order of appearance:

1. Tara gets turned

Tara’s a vampire. What better way to bring more drama and heart ache into her life than turning Tara into something she despises. I had a strong feeling Tara would be turned. I just didn’t expect that Pam to be her maker. That should make an interesting family dynamic.  Let’s just hope Pam did it right this time and Tara doesn’t turn into some female version of the book character Bubba.

2. Steve Newlin professes his love for Jason.

Reverend Newlin is gay. Who didn’t see that coming? His relationship with his wife Sarah always seemed forced. They were too over the top and always made sure their PDA was on full display.  I was more surprised to find out that Steve was a vampire than that he was gay.  I know we found out at the end of season 4 that Reverend Newlin had been turned into a vampire but I was still shocked. I have to admit a love scene between Jason and Steve Newlin would steal the show. It was awfully cute how Steve shouted “I love you!” while leaving Jason’s house when his invention was rescinded.

3. Jesus is missing!

Jesus was clearly dead.  He appeared to Lafayette in Sookie’s house as a spirit. How does a dead body walk away? He was duct taped to the blue hand chair. Who would have taken him and why?  Did Jesus rise from the dead? Stranger things have happened.

4. Eric and Nora having sex.

Talk about brotherly love. Leave it to True blood to take loving your sibling to a whole other level. This isn’t going to help with the running joke of southerners and incest. I guess vampire families have different boundaries than us humans. It was damn hot sex though.

5. Marcus gets eaten by his Mom.

Okay, this scene really got to me. I know that a werewolf’s animal instinct is very strong but eating your young?  The human part of Martha, his mother has to find that disturbing. What is the purpose of them doing that?