Top 5 WTF Moments of True Blood Episode 4.06

Posted on the 04 August 2011 by Thevault @The_Vault

We’ve selected the top 5 WTF moments of episode 4.06 – I Wish I Was The Moon.
What were your best WTF moments?

In order of appearance:

1. Tommy shifts into Sam

Tommy, you little shit! Shifting into Sam is one thing but doing the nasty with his girl is just plain…. well … nasty! Good move in firing the Sookster though, any employer would have done that a loooong time ago.

2. Antonia possesses Marnie

Dear Marnie, when was it ever a good idea to invite a spirit in to take over your will and body? NEVER!
Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it all.

3. Bill sentences Eric to the true death….


4. Mexican grandpa and the snake

Nothing beats the love of a grandfather for his grandson. First you feed him goat tongue and then you let a rattle snake bite him so a spirit can posses his BF.

5. Antonia comments Luis

Revenge is a plate best served cold and Antonia’s heart is stonecold when she finally gets to have her way with Luis after 400 years. The shit has just hit the fan big time!