Top 5 Wesley Snipes Roles

By Newguy

Wesley Snipes has 58 credits to his name according to the IMDB, he has had some difficult personal times of recent years, but is now going to be part of the new Expendables film. Today I am going to look at my favorite roles of his career.

5. Detective Regis – Murder at 1600 (1997)

Regis is trying to solve a murder at the White House, but ends up uncovering a conspiracy that will put his life in danger.

4. Joe – Liberty Stands Sill (2002)

Joe is a sniper who has a lady trapped while he is trying to get the truth out, he puts her through a range or humiliation and torture before his motives are full explained.

3. Mark J. Sheridan – U.S. Marshals (1998)

In the sequel to The Fugitive we have another innocent man framed that is being hunted down by Tommy Lee Jones.

2. Simon Phoenix – Demolition Man (1993)

In one of the few times he plays a villain he gets released into a future world and goes toe to toe with Stallone’s cop in an all action over the top fun filled film.

1. Blade – Blade Trilogy

The half human half vampire known as day walker takes on vampires and everything they evolve into as well as finally take on Dracula.