Top 5 Smart Gadgets to Spice Up Your Kitchen

By Trendytechie @theTrendyTechie

When the countertop microwave was invented in 1967, our kitchens were forever revolutionized. Now, the dawn of the Internet of Things has catapulted us into a new era of personal and home automation, making our everyday appliances talk to one another. Here are five smart gadgets for your kitchen – which one do you think will be the next microwave?

1. iGulu Smart Countertop Craft Brewery

If you’ve ever tried to make craft beer at home you know it’s quite a process. iGulu is a smart, automated countertop brewery to brew your very own craft beer in the comfort of your home! It’s currently in pre-orders after finishing an incredibly successful Indiegogo campaign that resulted in them raising 701% of their goal. The impressive device requires only four steps to brew beer: choose ingredients, select a beer type, place ingredients, and press start! After a few weeks of fermentation your own craft brew is ready to drink. And yes, you can create your own recipes.

2. Tovala Smart Oven and Delivery Service

In today’s world, who has the energy to cook anymore? Tovala smart oven takes the guesswork out of meal prep by doing it all for you. The smart oven reads the barcode on your pre-packaged meal (delivered to your doorstep earlier that day), and knows exactly how to prepare it. But if pre-prepared meals aren’t your thing, the oven can bake, broil, and convection heat Tovala meals and regular food alike.

3. Foodini 3D Food Printer

Click to view slideshow.

4. Cinnibird Spice Pen

Okay, so this last one isn’t a smart gadget, but it’s a pretty nifty one for all you latte enthusiasts out there. Cheat your way to those cute latte designs with this spice pen! No need to learn the fancy foamwork, you simply put your cinnamon into the chamber and draw your design.

Click to view slideshow.

5. PancakeBot

If you grew up in North America, odds are the best parts of your childhood weekends involved pancake breakfasts and Saturday morning cartoons. Who says that needs to end? PancakeBot lets you print pancakes in any 2D design you can dream up. Using the community sharing platform you can browse designs and even upload your own! For extra fun family time, print pancakes in the shape of your kid’s artwork!

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