Top 5 Palm Oil Myths & Facts You Need to Know

By Dr.jenifer Sayyed @SayyedJenifer

When I first time shared about palm oil on my Insta story in 2019, I instantly got a response from a few of my followers that how bad it is for health and I should not promote it. I told them I am going to attend the event and will ask the same query as I too had my doubts.

This made me realize how soon we make assumptions without understanding and come to a conclusion. If I hadn’t attended the event, I would have never known the Palm Oil Myths & Facts and would have remained ignorant.

The myths related to palm oil were debunked by Dr. Bhavna Shah, country representative of MPOC India/Srilanka who guided us with correct information.

I had written about it in my previous posts. You can read:

  1. Malaysian Palm Oil GOURMET DELIGHTS EVENT
  2. Palm Oil Benefits and its Many uses

This year as well, we had a webinar organized by MPOC and hosted by Dr. Bhavna Shah, who shared in-depth knowledge of palm oil, the effect of the current crisis in the industry, and dispelling more myths of palm oil. 

Webinar hosted by Dr. Bhavna Shah

Hence, let’s read on to know about Palm Oil Myths & Facts:

#1 Myth: Palm oil is unhealthy because they are high in saturated fats, which are risk factors for CAD (coronary heart disease)

Fact: Palm oil is a vegetable oil that has been scientifically proven not to contain cholesterol. High cholesterol was only found in animal oils.

Palm oil is trans-fat-free vegetable oil with a balanced composition of 50% saturated and 50% unsaturated (good) fatty acids.  The oil consists of natural ingredients like Vitamin A & E which helps in preventing chronic diseases and supports brain health.

*Note: Although palm oil is trans-fat-free, it is still high in saturated fat. Therefore, consume it wisely and do not reheat the oil frequently.

#2 Myth: Palm oil causes Deforestation

Fact: Dr. Bhavna Shah confronted us why the world only accuses palm oil industry that causes deforestation accounts for only 2.3%, whereas other production beef/meat/ leather causes more and no one says anything about it. Then why only blame palm oil industries which are more resource-efficient and economical.

#3 Myth: Palm oil is only used in Food

Fact: Palm oil exists in our everyday life. It is used in:

  • Personal Care Products and Cosmetics- lipstick, soap, shampoo, hair conditioner, toothpaste, deodorant.
  • Household Cleaning Products- It is there in laundry detergents, fabric softeners, and household detergents.
  • Industrial Products- in Printing Ink, Paint, pesticides.

#4 Myth: Palm oil requires large-scale plantations

Fact: The planting of oil palm requires less land comparatively. Almost 40% of the palm oil production is managed by small-scale family farms which contribute to both – reducing poverty and improving economic growth.

#5 Myth: No sustainable palm oil

Fact: Palm oil helps with economic and environmental sustainability as it requires less land, fewer fertilizers, and fewer pesticides than any other oilseed crop.

There are RSO certifications available for sustainable palm oil harvesting that ensure transparency in their use and sourcing of palm oil.

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Palm oil is extremely versatile vegetable oil and has many health benefits. I hope your myths are now cleared with facts. Like any other industry, palm oil is also impacted by this year’s crisis, and therefore, let’s not believe in the false myth, but factual things.

For more details and clarifications, kindly read the MPOC website.



*Disclaimer: The content in this post is purely meant for educational purpose only.