Top 5 Hair Fall Remedies

By Vicknesh @wellhealthblog
Hair loss can be a terrible condition for some people, especially for women. If the loss is caused by something such as chemotherapy, then there is a 99% chance that it will grow back. It is the men and women who lose hair for other reasons that often look for treatments. Many males will accept their fate when it comes to hair loss, while others will do whatever they can to keep as much of it on their head. Women on the other hand always want a full head of hair, and any loss can cause them mental issues. So what are the best hair fall remedies?Hair Fall Remedies For Mena. Finasteride - This comes in a tablet form to be taken on a daily basis, and stops the hormone dihydrotestosterone from being formed from testosterone. In some cases the hair follicles may have shrunk, and this can help them return to their full size. It can also increase the number of hairs that grow.b. Minoxidil - This is a lotion used daily, that is rubbed into the bald areas. This does not work in everyone, but it is worth trying. It comes in two strengths, 2% and 5%, and it is recommended that you start with the weaker one. Use it for 2 to 3 months before deciding whether it works or not.Hair Fall Remedies For Womenc. Corticosteroid injections - This is a naturally occurring hormone in the body, but it can also be manufactured, and this is what is injected into the affected area. This can work very well on people who have hair loss due to an autoimmune disease. You need to give this treatment a month to show some results, and it then needs to be redone every few months.d. Topical corticosteroids - Works similar to the above, but this is lotion that includes corticosteroid. It is used for 3 months, and then the patient has to take a break from it, as steroids do have side effects if used for the long term.
e. Immunotherapy - This treatment uses a chemical called diphencyprone to stimulate an allergic reaction in the area that it is applied. The potency of it is increased after each treatment until a level is reached that causes hair growth. This has about a 40% success rate. This is a long term treatment over a number of months.Author:Krisanto Lin