Top 5 Favourite Jeremy Renner Roles

By Newguy

Jeremy Renner has become one of the got to guys in Hollywood with his supporting roles in both the Avengers and Mission Impossible franchises as well as his leading role in the Bourne Legacy where he will team up with Jason Bourne in the newest installment. While I do think Jeremy is great in these performances I am going to look at my favorite five roles with most being earlier work.

5. Jimmy Quidd – House M.D. (2007)

This was an episode when the show was starting to become weaker but Jimmy was an interesting patient who was a Rock Star, his laid back style is what drives him as he looks at life makes our interns try to figure out their own goals.

4. Doyle – 28 Weeks Later

In the sequel to the much loved zombie thriller Doyle plays one of the Americans trying to rebuild the United Kingdom. He is one of the snipers that keeps an eye out for any threat to the new survivors that makes the decision to save the innocent rather than kill them when everything goes wrong.

3. James Coughlin – The Town (2010)

James is the rash decision maker in Doug MacRay’s bank robbing team that puts the latest job at risk. This role really showed that Renner had what it takes to mix with the big stars of Hollywood that also got him an Oscar nomination.

2. Penn – Angel – Somnambulist (2000)

Penn is one of the few people Angel ever turned into a vampire, he kills the same way as Angelus did and has found himself in Los Angeles on a killing spree. In this early in the series episode we get to see Angel face one of his toughest opponents and one of his own creation that Renner stamps his own swagger and style onto.

1.   Sergeant First Class William James – The Hurt Locker (2008)

William is an expert bomb disarmer that is in Iraq trying to clean the streets, he has a style that keeps him relaxed through all the missions while others panic. This is one of the most intense films you will see and got Renner his first Oscar nomination.