Top 5 Dog Breeds For Kids

By Petslady @petslady

Looking to get a new family dog for your kids? One of these breeds might be for you!

1. Beagle

Beagle Puppy: Image by Filmismylove, Flickr

Beagles have a sturdy build and a lot of energy, making them a perfect fit in homes that have especially active kids. They're curious, happy dogs who enjoy the company of other animals and humans. They'll require a daily brush and frequent baths to prevent shedding. If this isn't a problem, a beagle could be the perfect addition to your family.

2. Bulldog

Funny Bulldog: Image by Moyan_Brenn_BE_BACK_on_3th_SEPT, Flickr

Although bulldogs aren't the most active dogs around, they have an unusually lovable and gentle disposition. They have a tendency to build strong bonds with children, and a sturdy body that can handle rough housing should the time come. They're loyal and friendly dogs who will get along with all the members of your family.

3. Golden Retriever

Sleeping Libe.: Image by Alonso_Inostrosa, Flickr

Golden retrievers might be the perfect dogs for kids, due to their patience, friendliness, intelligence and loyalty. Though they do require a moderate amount of exercise, this can provide the perfect excuse for daily play between children and dog. Labrador retrievers are closely related, and though a little more energetic, could be another great breed for your kids.

4. Bearded Collie

A Shaggy Dog: Image by Foxypar4, Flickr

Bearded collies are affectionate, active dogs who make fantastic family pets. They're playful dogs with lots of energy who will absolutely love playing with your kids. These dogs will need lots of entertainment to keep their minds occupied, and plenty of exercise. Their long fur will need plenty of brushing and grooming as well. 

5. Newfoundland

Newfoundland Breed: Image by Mambo'Dan, Flickr

The Newfoundland's loving and protective nature make it a wonderful family dog. They have a gentle and patient temperament that will allow them to get along with your children with ease. These dogs often become extremely attached to their owners, and protective of children. They've been called "doggy babysitters" by some, and make fantastic guard dogs. 

If you're looking to get a lovable pet for your family, one of these breeds might be for you. Make sure you monitor your new dog with your children, and give it lots of love.

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