Top 5 Dark and Gritty Anime Shows You Must See (Even If You're Not a Fan)

Posted on the 23 May 2015 by Nrjperera @nrjperera

Did you enjoy TV shows like Dexter and Breaking Bad? Then you’re going to love these dark and gritty anime shows. No matter if you’re a long-time fan of anime or a complete newcomer, these anime shows will get you interested more in this underrated genre.

Death Note

A mad high school kid who kills people by writing down names on a weird book. Sounds pretty boring, right? At least that’s what I thought at first, but after getting the recommendation from a friend I decided to give it a try. Man, was I so wrong.
Death Note is probably the most intense anime show I’ve seen so far. It’s not the kind of anime show with lots of action, but it has an exhilarating story that will make you binge watch the entire series in one day.

Attack on Titan

With the live-action film on the way, it’s the best time to catch-up on this amazing show. Attack On Titan is an anime with a solid storyline and awesome action. The show’s terrifying, human-eating Titans are one hell of a sight to see. Just try the first episode, I’m sure you’ll get hooked with the show in no time.


After watching Death Note, I was hungry for more anime with a darker tone. That’s when I discovered Monster. This show follows a similar, exciting story to Death Note, with surprising plot twists and some gruesome scenes. And it’s among the few anime shows that doesn’t follow a high school storyline.


Watch the trailer for this show before you start watching this series. Parasyte is one hell of a creep show that I’ve never seen before. This show has some disturbing, face-melting scenes that brought me nightmares.
Parasyte is a body –horror show.  Basically, you will seeing lots of weird stuff like people transform into monsters and  body parts turning into creatures and stuff.

High School of the Dead

This is not really a dark anime, it sort of falls into zombie/ecchi categories. But I assure you, this anime is fun to watch.  High school of the Dead contains lots of action, zombie killing, blood, gore, as well as some funny/sexy scenes. It’s a must-see.
I’m always on the look for more shows like these. Got any recommendations? Let me know in the comments.