For many people, starting up their first business and become the CEO is the most significant step they will ever take in their professional lives; it’s as life-challenging as leaving home for the first time or having your first baby.
I have been able to meet quite few great CEOs but I have read about hundreds of great CEOs that started from almost nothing and rose up to be in charge of some of the best global brands.
It’s an undeniable fact that a great CEO is the one that oversaw success and growth of his business/company.
When a business performs well, the leader at the top, the CEO, gets all the credits and praises because he or she is seen as the key driver behind how well the business ultimately perform.
Also, when the table turns against the business, the CEO is one of the business executives that get the axe.
What Qualities Make A Great CEO?
Great CEOs are men and women tasked with the responsibility of being the key person who most often correlates to the success of the company.
From small to big businesses, CEOs are business leaders that make business decisions for the benefit of the business. They are acting on behalf of the business, and they protect the business interest everywhere they go.
Yes, everyone within the business or company is as important as the CEO, but when it comes to decisions affecting the growth of the company, there is only one person that’s charged with that responsibility and it’s the CEO.
A business works like a team where everyone is expected to chip in their contribution – carry out their responsibility. This means that without a great team of staff, there is no great CEO, and without a great CEO, there is no business success.
So, what makes a great CEO? Below are some of the awesome qualities you will see in a great CEO.
1). A Great CEO Is Also An Undercover Boss
Being charged with the responsibility of overseeing the day-to-day running of a business is an elephantine task. As a CEO, you wouldn’t want to sit in your office and hope to know everything about the business and how your staff relate with customers. Therefore, for a great CEO to properly understand the business he/she is running as well as the team of staff they are leading, he/she will have to sometimes go undercover.
You remember the TV show “Undercover Boss”? No, you don’t have to be on a reality television show to be an undercover boss. By going undercover, a great CEO will be able to get a glimpse of the day-to-day operations in his or her company. Also, you will be able to know where your staff are lacking behind and learn how to motivate your staff.
2). A Great CEO Leads The Team
You can never be a great CEO if you don’t have the ability to lead because it’s all about being able to lead and human management. With you in charge, you are leading a team of people of different backgrounds; you are managing people (both men and women) that might even be older and have more experience than you.
A great CEO creates a strong culture within the company and makes employees want to work with the same enthusiasm towards achieving the company’s goals. If you really want to be a great CEO, you’ll have to develop ability to lead and carry your team along. You don’t just lead with miles apart from your team.
3). A Great CEO Is Not Afraid To Get His Hands Dirty
A great CEO don’t just sit in the comfort zone of his or her office, he or she is involved in day-to-day running of the company activities. Great CEOs are just like other employees, the only difference being the fact that they oversee the activities of the business.
They are not afraid to get their hands dirty. They are involved in creating marketing plan, motivating and offering supports to other stuff. They drive the business and ensure success is achieved in moving the business forward.
4). A Great CEO Is A Planner
Running a business is not as easy as eating cake; it involves the ability to think, plan and make decisive decisions that will have direct impacts on the existence of the business. A great CEO is a planner that plans and works towards ensuring that the business is successful.
They help build team strategy and they provide employees with many chances to weigh in with their views. Also, a great CEO has a passion for problem solving. You have to be able to figure out quickly which problems require your attention and which don’t, and then focus relentlessly on getting the big ones solved.
5). A Great CEO Is An Analyst
Ability to soundly analyse business as well as market trends is another quality you will see in a great CEO. As the sole head of a business, you are tasked with the responsibility of driving the business forward and you can’t achieve this without having the knowledge of the market trends. You need to always monitor and analyse your competitors moves and counter moves so that you can be able to react in the nick of time.
A great CEO is also financially literate. You have to be able to understand the numbers, identify problems and analyse the trends so that you can be able to make decisive decisions that will head off trouble before it hits your company.
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