Top 20 Social Bookmarking Sites List: High DA & Dofollow

Posted on the 17 March 2021 by Getalladvice @getalladvices

This is an article about social bookmarking sites. There are so many people using these sites that it is very important to be able to separate yourself from the crowd and create your niche. You will need to know what to do to get on the first page of Google, as this is how all the big web marketers get their traffic. Here are a few things you should do to get on the first social bookmarking sites list.

Do follow high quality blogs.

List of High DA Social Bookmarking / Sharing Sites

S. No. High DA Social Bookmarking Sites Domain Authority (DA)

1 94

2 93

3 92

4 92

5 92

6 92

7 92

8 92

9 92

10 91

11 91

12 90

13 89

14 88

15 87

16 86

17 85

18 84

19 82

20 80

How to Do Social Bookmarking?

Do join as many social sites as you can. Joining a few of the biggest social sites will give you massive traffic and free advertising. Just because there are tons of other people on those sites, does not mean they are any good. You have to learn to attract people and get relevant traffic in order to get your site and your business off the ground. Do join as many social bookmarking sites as you can. You should always have a few accounts set up with each site you join. This gives you free social bookmarking sites backlink and you get relevant traffic. Social bookmarks allow you to create content and share it to your friends, contacts and people you want to know about your blog post and other related things. A backlink from a bookmarking site to your blog post will help you get relevant traffic.

How Social Bookmarking Help you ?

There are several bookmarking sites that offer free accounts and you can use them to post your blog posts, articles and videos. It will also help you get high PR backlinks with your Google SEO. to make backlinks to your blog post, article or video, you can use sites that give you good link juice. Good link juice is what gives you a good SEO score. These sites will help your Google ranking by giving you back links from authoritative sites. Once you have high PR on these social bookmarking sites, you will get more traffic from other webmasters who want to promote their sites on your blog or in your blog post. This is a perfect way to get relevant traffic to your site.

On the other side, if you want to rank well on Google, you have to work your way up the ladder by mastering off page SEO techniques first. By mastering these off page SEO techniques, you will be able to build your list faster and with ease. Social bookmarking sites list usually after the third page of a search result. So if you want to be listed on the first page, you have to make sure that your website is optimized well with keyword rich content.


Another important factor that will affect your ranking is your inbound links. There are now tools that will help you check the quality of your backlinks. By doing this, you will be able to determine how many incoming links you have and the quality of them. By doing this, you will know how many bookmarking sites you should submit your site to for best results.

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