Top 17+ Affiliate Marketers & Affiliate Blogs To Check 2021 (Best Affiliate Marketers in World)

Posted on the 05 October 2021 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

There is nothing called easy money and professionals all around the globe verily know it. Hence hard working people take smart steps to make money and affiliate marketing is one such way. If you are an affiliate marketer or new to it, then take inspiration from the leaders who feature in the top affiliate marketers you should know about for your own good.

What is affiliate marketing?

You might have often heard about the phrase "Make money while you sleep". This phrase seems true when you are an Affiliate marketer. Be it a blogger, someone into content writing services or internet services has always heard of this phrase called affiliate marketing.

What exactly is it? In simple words, if you have a blog or a website, then you can start promoting products and services to get a small commission in lieu for it. This is what affiliate marketing is all about and there is nothing more to it. It is considered to be the quickest way to sell products online; which is why it had been a success for many.

Affiliate marketing isn't a single person's game. It involves three parties; the advertiser, the publisher, and the consumer. You can be the advertiser as well as the publisher.

Also if you're interested in learning more about Affiliate Marketing, and building a successful online business then you can check out our Podcast: "Inside A Hustlers Brain" where I have interviewed people like Neil Patel, Rand Fishkin & other experts and leaders in the industry.

We have also uploaded interviews with other Affiliate Marketing Ninjas in our Podcast! Don't forget to check it once.

Best Affiliate Marketing Forums To Learn Affiliate Marketing

List of Top 10 Affiliate Marketer in The World (2021)

He is the owner of and also is the founder of TTZ Media, Inc. It is reported that his blog receives 200,000 readers and followers on a daily basis. These days he is a famous speaker, blogger and of course a writer who has appeared on numerous television and radio shows for his skills.

She is an affiliate marketer who happens to be a blogger, speaker, auditor and writer all at the same time. She is the owner of Sugaree, co-owner of Pushfire and now also its CEO is an expert of viral marketing, an adept SEO and has tons of marketing strategies up her sleeve that see her through this competitive market.

Is a marketing guru who owns Affiliorama and has launched AffilioBlueprint which is a 12 week training course. He is a master of personality development, internet marketing, affiliate marketing and also product development.

Winner of a4uAwards 2010 for her affiliate marketing skills this blogger cum digital marketer cum affiliate marketing queen is the founder and owner of She has made it big by putting white hat based SEO techniques into play.

This editor, affiliate marketer and blogger is the founder and associated with many organizations. Like he is the co-founder of Affiliate Summit, founder of and Co-Editor-in Chief at the FeedFront Magazine. So there is no end to his skills and talent!

This speaker, entrepreneur and PPC affiliate marketing specialist has started way back in his high school days. He has printed his works in FeedFront and at this time is a successful author of a book called 'Internet Marketing by the Real Experts.' Moreover his blog is a massive hit as it focuses on advising budding entrepreneurs with the dos and don'ts.

He is the President as well CEO of MoneyReign, Inc and owner of His latest venture includes a personal blog that enlightens readers about the successes and failures of life. This internet marketer, blogger and affiliate marketer has made it by keeping it simple!

This blogger and SEO has become one of the biggest names as a distributor across Europe. He has built, researched and worked on 40 websites in the recent past. He has won many awards for his contributions to the world of the internet marketing. His blog is :

This affiliate marketer teaches how to grow businesses and generate real income from them. Owner as well as the founder of Paramount Digital Publishing, he is by this time is a successful teacher of outsourcing and strategic team building.

This author, blogger and podcaster found his passion in internet marketing at an early age. His leadership qualities and business ethic are praised by everyone. He believes in transparent leadership and ethical business policies. Following these have surely marked him as a different marketer. Pat blog is :

Some other top Affiliate Marketing blogs you must follow

    Adam Riemer Marketing - Read this blog if you're looking to get into the big leagues in affiliate marketing. Adam 've been doing Marketing and Online Marketing for over a decade and for some reason never actually ended up doing or writing a blog. He have written articles that have been published in DMNews and many other well known publications, been booked to speak at shows like Affiliate Summit, Search Engine Strategies,
    Affiliate Marketing Blog by Geno Prussakov - Geno Prussakov has been writing about affiliate marketing for years.He's also a speaker at Affiliate Summit. He work as an affiliate marketing manager and online marketing consultant, and most of all he enjoy writing, consulting, speaking, and blogging.
    iAmAttila - Ever since 2013 this affiliate marketing blog has been the resources for advanced marketers looking for the latest tips and tricks with PPC ads. Attila's style is blunt, to the point. He likes to publish very detailed case studies based on real-life hard data from Facebook Ads, Google, Native and Push campaigns. If you are looking for an expert with paid advertising and CPA marketing, be sure to visit this site.
    AvantLink Blog - AvantLink is mostly a blog that highlights some of the top affiliate marketing deals in the market for certain verticals. AvantLink is the industry leading cost-per-sale tracking and technology platform for affiliate marketing professionals.
    Charles Ngo - This blog chronicles the personal journey of Charles Ngo as he gains the experience to perform at his best as an affiliate marketer. He help people learn how to make money on the internet through affiliate marketing. His material is free and is better than 99% of paid courses in the market. Must check his blog.
    Affiliate Summit - It is a kind of specific program with is designed for the providing proper guidance to the newbie. The individuals those are interested in learning things related to the affiliate marketing, they can consider its way. The program was founded by combining efforts of two individuals those are Shawn Collins and Missy Ward.

The program was founded in the year 2003. Now its assistance is taken by numerous individuals for getting success in affiliate marketing. As a result it becomes the best online source which provides educational tutorials and numerous other things. If we talk about its estimated earnings then the stats are lying around 100000$ to 500000$.

    LukePeerFly - Luke King teaches you how to build traffic and grow your online income at the same time using social media and PPC strategies. Affiliate marketing information, news, and tips from Luke Kling, Director of Marketing for PeerFly.
    ShareASale Blog - Sharesale's blog goes into the basics of affiliate marketing for beginner marketers to jump right into. If you're new to the space, you'll want to give this one a read.
    Alessandro Pedrazzoli : Alessandro is a digital entrepreneur who teaches how to create blogs, videos and articles optimized to generate traffic and sales (both from his own offers and through affiliations). His is the only Italian blog that deserves to be included in this list. I recommend taking a look at his guide: affiliate marketing.

To conclude on this topic of Top 10 affiliate marketers and their blogs you should know, it has to be mentioned that remember smart tactics and never to give up attitude works best for all. Keep trying things innovatively as you never you know what may click for you. Use new tactics but put thoughts into using them.

Do not use strategies blindly because that is the trend. See what is applicable in your case and also follow the trends. Trends come and go but they teach us a lot which means you should also learn from them. Don't hold on to them because you think they are good, let them pass if they are not suitable for your line of business. Hence be prepared and remain motivated while pursuing a dream.

Best Resources For Affiliate Marketers 2021

Are you looking for useful tools that can help you boost your affiliate marketing business? Well, we have found just the right resources for you.

We found these websites that are dedicated to affiliate marketing tools and can be very useful for your affiliate business:

Are you starting a business online and thinking about the ideal companion? Well, go ahead with and start reading articles from Marketing Digital Quito. On this blog, you can find articles about Kartra, which is a platform you should be using in order to build a successful business online. Check out this website if you want to read more about Kartra.

If you own a marketing company like any e-commerce giant, you would need to map out the entire funnel strategies. If you are looking for such an application, then you must have heard about Funeelytics. Want to know more about this application? Look out for articles about Funnelytics on Affiliate Page Dominator.

WordPress Hosting Promo covers all possible aspects regarding the cloud-managed hosting offered by Cloudways. You can find articles around features they offer and their pricing schemes, comparisons, guides, and more. You will also come across endorsements and product suggestions on this website for sale.

✅ Marketing Digital Quito

As for now, on Havas Digital Server, you will find all the information regarding the features, pricing, and other aspects of Duda. You can also check out a detailed comparison of Duda with other popular website builders and get special deals for Duda from the Duda Coupon article.

🎉 Affiliate Page Dominator

AffiliateBay is a rich repository of articles and the latest working promo codes of popular online platforms, marketing websites, e-commerce platforms, and other online services. AffiliateBay offers you updated and most precise articles on a myriad of topics ranging from e-commerce, coupon codes, health, web hosting, mattresses, and bedding products, inter alia.

🙌 WordPress Hosting Promo

Burlington Social Media Day, this website covers articles about online platforms and tools that you'd need for improving your website. If you are looking to grow your website or blog into a business and want effective tools that can help you boost the process, then check out Burlington Social Media Day.

🥇 Havas Digital Server

💰 Digital-Tuesday

As you might be aware of how strict Google is getting about slow loading websites. In 2021 most websites are focusing on improving the page speed of their website and getting in the good eyes of Google and the best tool to achieve this is ShortPixel. Visit Digital-Tuesday and get to find out all there is to know ShortPixel and how it can help you speed up your website.

🎊 AffiliateBay

Some More, Affiliate Marketers List In 2021

11) David Risely

🎀 Burlington Social Media Day

He is famous in the online market for his unique skills. The David Risely sell lots of things online but no one can judge by his activities that he is a sales guy. He is running a blog which is known as the Blog Marketing Academy. The guy has lots of experience in the online market activities.

The David performs activities by choosing the unique and completely different approaches or ways. He never forces the users for selling any type of product or advertisements. According to him, the users should create own and try to money by it. The main source of his income is the blog.

12) Rafael Zelik

There is popular performance-based and global marketer leader company available. It is named as the affiliaXe and Rafael Zelik is founder of this particular one. The company is known for its, client acquisition and lead generation related services.

With it, there is a great network created by him. This particular network is offering services for the affiliate marketers. By it, they can promote their products and avail numerous other benefits. His estimation of earning is approximately 40000$ to 50000$.

13) Darren Rowse

He appears as a big and inspirational personality when it comes to the blogging with affiliating market. The Darren Rowse starts his blogging career in 2002 year. The main blog or you can say that which provides it fame was started in the year 2004. The name of this particular blog is problogger. com.

The blog is available with the submission of over 7000 tutorials and articles. On the basis of his blogs, he wrote a book for Wiley Publications in year 2008. In 2009 he got a huge success by releasing an eBook. There are numerous other types of activities performed by him.

According to the stats, his most popular blog Problogger is visited by over 30000 users in a day. With it, he is a successful affiliate marketer. His earning estimation is 40000$ to 45000$ in a month. The second blog which is operated by him is the

14) Neil Patel

The Neil Patel is not considered as the proper affiliate marketer. In reality, the activities those are performed by him are so close for becoming a successful affiliate marketer. He becomes famous for the success which he gets in the business industry. Due to all these things, he is considered as a successful entrepreneur.

He starts the business by establishing first company which is known as the Crazy Egg. After sometime he willing to sell it and want to get 10 million dollars in its consideration. Here he wants to start a new company. The name of his new company is KISSmetrics. There is great turnover holds by company.

Hurry! Check out my Interview With Neil Patel here:

15) Jeremy Schoemaker

The Jeremy Schoemaker is a famous personality on the internet. The main reason behind its fame is his most viewed images. With it, you can see his effort contribution in affiliate marketing. By following the way of affiliate marketing he makes lots of money easily.

He starts his first blog in 2003, which is named as the The blog of Jeremy Schoemaker is available on the internet with 30000 loyal readership people. Now his identity is in the market as a successful affiliate marketer.

His estimated earnings on the basis of 5 years is around 2000000$ to 4000000$.

16) Finch Sells

The main objective of this particular guy is to become a successful affiliate marketer. The dedication towards the objective makes him the youngest successful affiliate marketer. For such an achievement he leaves his fixed income providing job.

For it, he starts working on a blog and put lots of efforts. With it, the Finch Sells is earning a huge amount of money by selling numerous premium packages. His main website is The earning estimations are 15000$ to 25000$.

17) Yaro Starak

The Yaro Starak is a successful blogger these days. He starts writing blogs when this particular way is not so famous. With it, he also makes a huge amount of money just by selling online products. These things make him a good affiliate marketer. He starts his blog in the year 2005 first time.

The readers can get lots of information related to the market and numerous other things from his blogs. If we check out his income only from the blog then it is around 50,000$ in a month. From the articles or blogs of Yaro the newbie affiliate marketers can get lots of guidance and help.

Why Affiliate Marketing & its importance ?

Affiliate Marketing has seen an increasing trend for a few years. Who wouldn't need the share of selling a product by spending just a few hours daily on the internet? With Affiliate Marketing, you can find ways to earn money. There are plenty of monetization strategies but the one that I would suggest is this.

The easiest monetization strategy is Affiliate marketing. Thus, affiliate marketing can benefit both for the advertiser as well as the publisher. The reason why the big names in the list below chose to ditch their job and have Affiliate marketing instead:

Benefits for the Publisher:

You don't need a large amount of money to run a website initially. Just spend a few bucks on the domain and hosting. You can hire or ads create ads on your own. You can always start with a price that doesn't affect your budget much.

Your website can make you money 24/7. People can easily look into your websites every hour of the day and just because it is not a physical store, there are no restrictions about the time. All you need is to update the website to generate sales or get the requisite traffic. You can only convert your visits into the sales when you update your ad regularly. You have no restrictions to work as a publisher. Connect your internet and get online, make sales and generate revenue.

You don't necessarily need a warehouse every time when we talk about the online e-Commerce business. It doesn't require you to keep the storage and packing and shipping of the products. Thus, as a publisher, all you need is to run a website and update it.

Benefits for the Advertiser:

You certainly don't need a large sum to start an affiliate program. Most of the companies offer the affiliate software at a lower price of about just $30. Moreover, you need not pay any other costs until your ads work.

The best part about affiliate marketing is that you will only be charged when your ads have given you the sales or conversions. Thus, do not spend on your ads until the sales are delivered because the affiliate only earns when they deliver impressive traffic.

No need to hire the sales traffic to promote your Ads. You can give that responsibility to your Affiliates and they will only charge after the sales have started to shoot.

Search engines rate the sites higher with the inbound sites link rather than which doesn't. This means that linking the advertiser's site to a network of advertisers and the advertisers of the same field will even rank the site higher.

As an advertiser, you are the one who can decide the commissions for the ads, what elements are essential for publisher to get paid and others. Thus, you have got the reigns in your hand. Once you are well established in the market, you can have as many affiliates you want and watch your sales increase. Just remember to pay your affiliates and they will do their job. The affiliate software will send banners, images or other elements necessary for the ads.

Why an affiliate marketer?

Reasons are many and this list will go on for sure. However to make it short, here are a few of the many ups of affiliate marketing:

  • Gives you the opportunity to reach out to a bigger audience.
  • It is cost effective for you as you do not need a storage space or staff to handle everything.
  • Most of the affiliate programs are free of cost.
  • It gives you the possibility of working from home.
  • Provides you with a steady income if not anything.
  • No customer support required.

Remember that success will not come overnight. You will have to work towards it by following some simple steps:

  • Start using products that you know about or you have endorsed in.
  • Choose a few products and concentrate on them.
  • Research how much that product is in demand.
  • Read about the new techniques of marketing always.
  • Choose an authentic merchant and promote products likewise.
  • About 60% of affiliates work from home?
  • 47% affiliates promote less than 10 products a year?
  • Around 3.3% affiliates make over $500,000 a year?
  • 69% affiliates promote only consumer based products?

Why Affiliate Marketing fails?

You might not be pleased to hear that 95% of newbies fail in affiliate marketing. It seems quite easy to read blogs and dream of making millions from home. But it comes at a cost. The cost of having the patience, gaining the experience and lastly - "Learn and Earn". To become successful, you should read the failure stories. And here are the reasons why you might fail in Affiliate marketing:

A website without a niche is certainly a fail. Choose a niche that you are most passionate about. You must have proper knowledge of the niche you are promoting. A visitor will always seek for something different from the others. So, you must have extra or added information about the products that you are going to promote or write blogs about.

You should always do detailed research about that product. It is better to promote the products that you are using or have in-depth knowledge of. It is also advisable to create an A/B testing if you want better sales and conversions.

A/B testing gives you with the choice to shuffle between the long and short Ads. Thus, to make profits you need to target a specific audience. Sharing your experience gives credibility to your products and that makes you different from others.

Choosing a niche is just the beginning. You have got a lot of planning and executing for your campaign. Running your campaign without using proper tracking tools will make your campaign unsuccessful. Spend some part of your budget on the tracking as well as the traffic tools and you will get the accurate measures of the sales, the nature of the market.

Many affiliate marketers fail because they forget about conversions or advertising once they get few to some leads. Always keep in touch with your customers. You should trigger them with email marketing, remarketing, mobile and messaging about the offers and discounts or new products.

Tips for success

The first piece of advice that I might give to a newbie is that never run after the multiple products or offer. Try to stick to a particular offer until it works or fails. If you have really chosen the niche that interests you, then choose your offers fairly.

Make your money slowly and steadily. Spend your budget wisely. There are verily some reasons why you fail here; poor lead generation, inappropriate click price or wrong localization.

Best Affiliate Marketing Forums To Learn Affiliate Marketing

Did you know?

Conclusion: Best Top Affiliate Marketers In World 2021

So, this was the list of best 17+ Affiliate Marketers in the world, also we have dropped a link to their blogs.

Also if you're interested in learning more about Affiliate Marketing, and building a successful online business then you can check out our Podcast: "Inside A Hustlers Brain" where we have interviewed people like Neil Patel, Rand Fishkin & other experts and leaders in the industry.

I have also uploaded interviews with other Affiliate Marketing Ninjas in my Podcast! Don't forget to check it once.