Top 100 Romantic Films: 31-40

Posted on the 14 February 2016 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

Here we go with ten more . . .


40. The Great Gatsby (2013) 💔😢

Jay Gatsby is a self made millionaire who is doing everything to try and win back the love of his life Daisy. Despite the fact that she lives across the river with her husband. Everything he has been doing is for her, what better romance do we have than that?

39. The American President (1995) ❤️😃

I seriously find this to be one of the sweetest films you can watch, what better way to see the President than starting a love affair? Honestly Douglas and Bening really do have such fantastic chemistry. What will the president do when retaining his place in the Whitehouse is put at risk with his new love?

38. Something’s Gotta Give (2003) 😂❤️😃

A film that shows you can never be too old for love and that a wild womaniser can eventually be tamed. What better pairing to take this on than Nicholson and Keaton? Although it does start off a little strange considering Harry was dating Erica’s daughter, but everything does work out better in the end as they both learn how love works at an older age.

37. The Adjustment Bureau (2011) ❤️😃

I think this film is massively underrated. A different type of world where we all have maps that we will follow and have to. Mysterious men keep preventing David from seeing Elise after the chance meeting they were never actually supposed to have. Those men are actually fate and he must decide to follow the plan and get everything he has worked for or defy it for the chance of love with Elise. I just think this gives a very unique idea of life, love and how fate could possibly work.

36. 10 Things I Hate About You (1999) ❤️😃

Another film that takes a Shakespeare play and gives it a modern twist, or now looking back a 90s twist. The role which made Heath Ledger famous and with every good reason. Based on The Taming of the Shrew, as Kat is not interested in boys and dating her younger sister is desperate to date so she puts plans in place to get someone to take her sister out. Patrick ends up being that guy just so he can make some money, but he ends up falling for Kat. But will they be able to continue when the truth comes out about everything?

35. A Walk to Remember (2002) ❤️💔😭

This film makes you cry in so many different ways, even the cute romantic things break your heart. Landon is on the verge of wrecking his life but everything will change for him as he gets to know pastors daughter Jamie, a girl he used to make fun of at school. But she makes a big change in him and they fall in love. Something she did not want to happen as she is dying. Yeah you guessed it another Nicholas Sparks film which really does hurt at times, with the good and bad moments one thing is for sure the love they had.

34. (500) Days of Summer (2009) 💔

I still find this film to be pretty fantastic in the way they decided to put the relationship together in the 500 days, showing different days which were good or bad and how that all makes up a relationship. It leaves us guessing to how it will all pan out but shows how love can grow and fade over different spaces of time.

33. Love Actually (2003) ❤️💔😃😂😢😭

A film all about love based around Christmas certainly has something for everyone. So many different romances and love stories and the ability to play with all of your emotions. Learning a new language for love, moving to a different country, using cardboard as a confession, chasing someone through the airport. But it also shows unrequited love as well as an affair. Not bad fitting it all in the running time!

32. Eat, Pray, Love (2010) 💔❤️

I have found that my enjoyment with this film has come with more viewings. Liz hits a stage in her life when she feels that she has to find herself, this meant getting a divorce and then having an affair with a much younger man all before deciding to travel. She is trying to find meaning in her life and this certainly means thinking about her previous lovers and wondering if she will ever love again. Julia Roberts in the leading role certainly does help in this one, a very messed up woman showing it is actually ok to doubt everything and start again. Felipe is certainly a new welcomed chapter!

31. As Good As It Gets (1997) 😂❤️

One of my all time favorite films as Melvin an obsessive compulsive man eventually starts a relationship with Carol who is a waitress in the restaurant he eats breakfast everyday. While parts of the film are pretty crazy like Melvin paying for a doctor to treat Carol’s son and asking her along on a road trip with his gay neighbor Simon. “You make me want to be a better man” 
