Top 10 Worst Celebrity Dads, The Ones You Wouldn’t Want To Have

Posted on the 19 September 2024 by Thiruvenkatam Chinnagounder @tipsclear

Did you just storm out of your bedroom because you think your dad is such a jerk for not letting you have another helping of lasagna or because he won't let you borrow his car when you're 14? You think it wouldn't be like this if you were a celebrity, for example? Well, imagine that it might be worse, because just because you're famous doesn't mean your parents are automatically cool with you.

Tony Tarantino father of Quentin Tarantino

The famous director we talked about in the most stingy celebrities because he didn't give his mother a dime doesn't get along with his father either. In fact, he never really knew him, he left early after his birth and never tried to get in touch with him but tried to become an actor by playing on the fame that his son gave to his name. "He was never part of my life, I never met him."

Sylvain Desaulniers father of Brie Larson

While her father recently stated that he was proud of his actress daughter and that he loved her with all his heart, it doesn't seem to be completely mutual. Larson grew up estranged from her father and has said that she thought he didn't want to be a parent and that as soon as she didn't have to visit him anymore, she jumped at the chance. They didn't speak to each other for 10 years, so that gives you an idea of ​​the relationship.

Dennis Graham father of Drake

The multi-millionaire rapper/singer/producer wasn't surrounded by his father during his younger years, he even talks about him often in his lyrics and doesn't mince words about him. At least that was until his father suddenly reappeared in his life to reconnect and show that he regretted not being able to enjoy his millions his son. That's cute. So now they're friends. Well, they're father and son.

Matthew Knowles father of Beyoncé Knowles

He could be on the list of celebrity parents who have cheated their children and that already gives you an idea of ​​the kind of stuff the guy can do. The gigastar had decided to fire him from his role as manager in 2011 because she suspected him of stealing money from her, trust reigns.

Marshall Bruce Mathers father of Eminem

Regarding his relationship with his father, the rapper has already explained on several occasions that in addition to being violent during the rare years he lived with him, he never answered any of his letters or even tried to get in touch with him throughout his childhood. He still tried much later to explain his version of events in a letter where he accused the mother of all evils but Eminem didn't care much since he still released several songs where he didn't go easy on his father. Well, after all, it's a bit of a habit with him as you can see with the celebrities insulted by Eminem.

Jamie Spears father of Britney Spears

If there are still a lot of things you don't know about Britney Spears, you probably know that her father had control over his daughter's fortune until very recently (from 2008 to 2021 anyway). He also had her committed against her will and generally controlled her life for over a decade by being tyrannical, violent and very invasive.

Joseph Jackson father of the Jackson siblings

You probably know the story of the Jackson siblings' father who beat his children with a belt, forced them to constantly repeat themselves, deprived them of their childhood and fun, and behaved like a real tyrant. When asked about this in an interview in 2010, he said "I don't regret anything," which doesn't do his reputation any favors.

Mark Evans father of Adele

The singer's father deserted her when she was three years old and so she never had much love for him. After he became famous he came back (it's funny how famous people's fathers come back) and then talked about her to the press even though she had formally forbidden him to do so. So they didn't really talk to each other again and she declared during a Grammy ceremony, speaking of her manager Jonathan Dickins, "I love you like my father. Well, I don't love my father. I love you like I should love my father." That sets the tone.

Kit Culkin father of Macaulay Culkin

The unforgettable childish face of the 90s has not gotten along with his father for many years. Following his parents' divorce in 1994, he became completely emancipated to the point of no longer really speaking to his father who was abusive. The latter once declared that he did not consider Macaulay as his son. Not great, but the little guy is doing well and even posts funny tweets.

Michael Lohan father of Lindsay Lohan

The relationship between Lindsay Lohan and her father has more or less always been disastrous, the man was an alcoholic and cocaine addict and pushed his daughter to make a career from a young age without being very sympathetic. When she started to get bad he blamed her mother and those around her for being responsible without ever questioning himself. Already arrested for criminal behavior such as assaulting an ex, Michael Lohan does not seem to be a very healthy person.

Sources : Mamas Uncut, CheatSheet, Hollywood Gossip, Ranker.