Top 10 Weight Loss Yoga Asanas For This Session

By Tapang786

Most people think of Yoga as something that helps calm the mind, but there is more to it than you think. If done with dedication and discipline, yoga can help you to lose weight and stay in shape. While it’s true that in comparison to high-intensity workouts, yoga burns lesser calories but some of the yoga flows, when done at a moderate to high speed, can make you sweat like no other workout.

Along with weight loss, yoga helps to relieve stress, which is one of the main causes of weight gain. When practiced regularly, it leaves you feeling relaxed, fresh and focused. Yoga brings your mind, body, and breath in harmony, thereby eliminating stress from your life.

1. Trikonasana (Triangle Yoga Pose)

To perform this pose, stand straight with your feet wide apart and hands straight parallel to the ground. Now bend on your left side and try to touch your left foot with your left hand. Stay in this position for 10-20 seconds and repeat with the other side.

The twisting motion of the asana helps to improve the digestion and reduces the fat deposit from the belly. The pose engages the muscles of your legs and arms and helps you build more muscles.

2. Upwards Dog Yoga Pose

Weight Loss Yoga Asanas

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To perform this pose, lie flat on your stomach with hands extended forward and palms facing down. Now keep your hands right below your shoulders, lift your upper body and look up. Your lower abdomen and thighs should be flat on the floor.

3. Chair Pose Yoga Asanas

Weight Loss Yoga Asanas

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Stand straight with your feet joined together and hands by your side. Now raise your arms above your head such that your palms face each other and now bend slowly from your knees, exactly like you’d do in a squat position. Your thighs should be parallel to the ground. Stay in the position for 10-15 seconds.

4. Angle Yoga Pose

Weight Loss Yoga Asanas

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Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and your hands by the side. Now raise your hands above your head and join them together. Bend from your torso towards your left with your hands joined together. Repeat on the other side.

5. Boat Yoga Pose

Weight Loss Yoga Asanas

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As the name suggests, your body looks like a boat when in this position. To perform the asana, lie flat on the ground with your hands by your side. Now slowly lift your upper body and legs, such that your body forms a V shape. Keep your hands straight, parallel to the ground. Stay in the position for 10-20 seconds.

6. Bridge Yoga Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

Weight Loss Yoga Asanas

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Start by lying on your back, with knees bent and feet flat. With your heels firmly placed on the mat, lift your tailbone up such that your hips and lower back are off the mat. Place your hands under your hips and lace the fingers together. Use your glute muscles, hamstrings and abdomen to hold your bottom and back up. Release your fingers and slowly lower your tailbone back down. Relax and repeat.

7. Bow Yoga Pose (Dhanurasana)

Weight Loss Yoga Asanas

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To perform this asana, lie flat on the stomach. Now slowly start lifting your upper body, just like you do in cobra pose and simultaneously also lift both your legs. Now hold your legs with your hands and stay in the position for as long as comfortable.

8. Child’s Pose (Balasana)

This pose is comparatively easy to perform and you can do it between other challenging asanas. Start by sitting on the floor in Vajrasana. Now lower your head down on the mat by resting your belly on the top of your thighs. If you are a beginner, your head might not touch the mat, but that’s okay. Stretch your hands forward, with your palms touching the front of the mat, right in front of your head. Hold the position for 10-20 seconds and relax.

9. Corpse Pose (Shavasana)

Weight Loss Yoga Asanas

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Lie flat on your back with your arms on the sides and palms facing down. Focus on relaxing your body by inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Perform the asana in the end after performing all the asanas.

10. Plank Pose (Phalakasana)

Weight Loss Yoga Asanas

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Lie flat on your stomach. Now slowly lift your body from the mat by using the pressure of your hands. Your body should form a straight line from head to heels. Your wrist should be on the mat and your shoulders should be right above your wrist. The position will look similar to a push-up position. Hold the position for a few seconds by keeping your abdominals engaged and then slowly relax.

Top 10 Weight Loss Yoga Asanas