Top 10 Ways To Get Free Instagram Followers | No Survey!

Posted on the 06 April 2019 by Bhangad12

Top 10 Ways on How To Get Free Instagram Followers – Since its acquisition by Facebook in April 2012, Instagram has seen itself become the third most popular social networking site on the internet. In terms of monthly active users, only Facebook and YouTube rank above it.

One of the reasons why Instagram is so popular is because of its ease of use and tunnel-like focus on functionality. It’s known primarily for two things: images and videos. It provides a really accessible conduit to view all your friends’, families’ and even enemies’ photos and videos.

Instagram and social media, in general, are a marketer’s dream. Influencers have made a career from pushing sponsored lifestyles and products.

An influencer’s (and marketer’s) effectiveness depends on their reach which is largely based on the number of followers they have. You can’t make an impact unless you have a nice pool of followers to make an impact on.

This post is about How to get free Instagram followers, or Instagram followers hack? It’s the question that people search all the time.

In this article, we’ll explore a few tactics you can employ to get free followers on Instagram and thus increase your impact on Instagram.

10 Methods On How to Get Free Instagram Followers

1. Create a compelling Bio and profile picture

On the internet where attention spans are so short, first impressions count even more than the real world. If you don’t get someone hooked superficially, there will be no reason for them to dive deeper into your profile and eventually follow you.

That’s why you need a compelling bio and a profile picture. This is your book cover. Unfortunately, people tend to judge books by their covers despite being told over and over that they shouldn’t.

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Select the best picture of yourself that you can find. Something inviting and sunny (if that’s the type of content and followers you’re aiming for on your Instagram). Alternatively, you can pick a piece of artwork or quote.

Your profile should have your name, your username, site, and a bio. Bio should be succinct and quippy. Your aim shouldn’t be verbosity or formalness. Try to be casual and smart. You can also include an adage or saying that you admire. This is so far one of the easiest ways to get more free Instagram followers.

2. Create a dedicated hashtag and use it effectively

If you want to know how to get free Instagram followers for free by using a dedicated hashtag, a great example of someone who uses this tactic effectively is a business mogul, actor, rapper and online bully 50 Cent. His dedicated hashtag #getthestrap had almost become viral a few months back. He even made a song titled after it.

So if you want to build a greater following, you should create your own hashtag. Something catchy, smart and memorable.

3. Cross-promote your dedicated hashtags

If you run a business, your dedicated hashtag has to be related to your company. You want your hashtags to have as much reach as possible so people know how to share content about you when they use one of your services.

We suggest that you include your dedicated hashtag in your bio. Use it on other social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook as well. Use it in the signature of your email if you can.

Go further and take the game offline and have it printed on your business cards, receipts, ads and signage on your stores and other relevant events that have to do with our company.

If you’re on the radio or TV, direct people to use your hashtag whenever you can. Make sure it’s as omnipresent as the name of your company or brand.

4. Use (popular) hashtags effectively

Relevancy on social media sometimes comes down to how well you use your hashtags. Much like Twitter, users on Instagram can explore the app or conversations by tracking trending topics and hashtags.

Whenever you post something, make sure you’re using a popular hashtag that is relevant to what you’re posting. You don’t want to be talking about #Woodworking while you’re out at the beach and doing something completely unrelated.

Ensure that you pepper your posts with a few good trending hashtags. Universally trending hashtags like #instagood, #mcm, #wcw, #photooftheday or #fun can get you in front of more people in general.

5. Schedule and plan your Instagram Posts in Advance

While algorithms on Instagram have evolved to show you things like trending topics and what people are currently talking about, posting content at the right time can give your posts more views and more engagement.

Well thought out and planned content is the best. Understand your demographic and what time they’re awake, active and interacting with Instagram. Once you understand this principle, you can use it to gain more Instagram followers free.

6. Change your BIO from time to time

Changing your BIO weekly will give your page character. It will keep followers guessing and engaged. So change up your BIO from time to time and make sure that it contains a clickable link to drive traffic to your most popular and newest content.

7. Get detailed with your captions

Although Instagram is largely image and photo-centric, words are an important element of a post. National Geographic is a fantastic example of a page that uses this tactic effectively through storytelling.

They’ll have a long descriptive text accompanying their images. This generates more interest, engagement, and sharing. While other media brands have failed and gone off into the sunset, NatGeo continues to thrive on Instagram. They have amassed over 50 million followers.

8. Hunt down influencers, follow them and engage with them

You need to research and identify people who are influencers and are related to your brand. These are people who influence the people that you want to get in front of. Once you find them, make sure you follow them and “Turn on Post Notifications” to be notified every time they share new content.

You can then interact and engage with them regularly. Engaging with them will garner attention from their followers. If you build up enough interest, their followers can be your followers. If you do this right without being creepy or overbearing, you have a chance to become one of their favorite people or brands.

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9. Remove unwanted tagged photos from your profile

Sometimes people may tag you on pictures that you feel are unflattering. If you only want to feature the best user-generated content about you or your brand on your Instagram profile, you can.

Now, you can’t remove the tagged photos from the site entirely but by choosing “Edit Tags,” selecting the ones you want to remove and choosing “Hide from Profile” (you may need to confirm), you can remove the tagged picture from displaying on your page.

10. Develop your own Instagram style

If you want to stand out, you have to steer clear from any conformity on Instagram. A great example of a company/brand that has cultivated and developed their own style is Frooti. Froot is a beverage brand from India.

They have developed such an awesome visual content style that it’s easily recognizable and distinguishable from every other profile on Instagram. You can take a cue from them and develop your own distinct style for your profile.

Instant methods to get free Instagram followers:

We can easily understand if you’re intrigued by getting to know each of this trick. After all, most of these methods can only drive potential organic traffic and that too after a long period.

So, why would you invest your time and energy in getting genuine Instagram followers and a fan-base? What if you could get free Instagram followers within minutes?

Fortunately, some platforms can help you achieve such by using Social Media Like Exchange websites. Didn’t ring a bell?

Well, let me shed a little light on this. Social Media Like Exchange exist on the Internet even before Google was a thing.

They are the most popular among teenagers and youngsters who wish to get hundreds of likes, comments, and exposure on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and much more. These websites work as the name suggest, on Like exchange basis.

All you got to do is to log in to the site with your social media account (ex. Facebook) and start liking, following, and sharing other user’s posts.

You get reward points in exchange for the tasks. Vice-Versa, you’re required to add your profile which will get all the followers, and points would be deducted on per follower basis.

So, let’s get started with all the popular and genuine like exchange websites:

1. Like4Like

The most popular and supported across significant countries is Like4Like. It hosts Social Media Like exchange for more than a dozen social websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus, YouTube, StumbleUpon, Pinterest, Vimeo, Vine, and many others.

As explained earlier, you have to earn points to get Instagram followers.

First, you need to register and add one of your social media profile to earn points. Simultaneously, add your Instagram username and start liking or following other user’s posts using the website.

Once successful, the website automatically sends you points (Usually 9 or 10) for one follow and deducts the same for your followers.

Voila! Get as many as free Instagram followers you want.

2. Hublaagram

Hublaagram is yet another great tool to get free Instagram followers without any effort at all. It doesn’t work like a Social Media Like exchange mechanism but rather an automation bot that gets you multiples likes and followers within seconds.

To use Hublagram, you need to allow permissions for the website bot to publish and like other profiles and account. You have to give access token to get free Instagram followers.

Since most of the auto liker and follower websites use automated scripts and bots, they’re considered by Google’s algorithm.

They usually redirect you to third-party ads and spam links which traps the user in link loops.

You wouldn’t get any follower, and it’s common that your account would get blocked or temporarily suspended for suspicious activities.

3. FollowLike

FollowLike is a handy website for all the people who want to get free Instagram followers across the whole world.

It is available for more than 200 countries and 140,000+ members. You can easily earn points by doing dozens of like exchange tasks.

This site offers many services for Instagram exchange, Facebook exchange, YouTube exchange, Google exchange, Twitter exchange, Pinterest exchange, VK exchange, Sound Cloud exchange, StumbleUpon exchange, Vimeo exchange, Tumblr exchange, Website traffic boost, LinkedIn exchange, Reddit exchange, trade and many more.

Final Word

These are our top ten tips for how to get free Instagram followers without even using a hacking tool. These tips and tactics are designed to help you draw more organic followers. There are scammers out there who promise you tools to help you hack into the apps and get faux followers to make it look like you’re an influencer. You can forgo those empty promises and use the tips above to build your brand. If you need any help or have any tips of your own, please leave a comment down in the comment box. As always, thank you for reading.