TOP 10 Ways on How to Give Your 'DEAD' Washing Machine a New Life

Posted on the 10 March 2013 by Gilnambatac @gilnambatac

Yesterday night, my brother had shared a story about his classmate. I then ask him what. He told me that his classmate's 'dead' washing machine was used as a plastic ware compartment where all Tupperware products and other "balonan" were stuffed in there. Personally, it doesn't make me shock. At home, we use our 'dead' washing machine as storage of water (we can't just can't afford to throw it away. hahaha). But that story of his inspired me to make TOP 10 WAYS TO GIVE A NEW LIFE TO YOUR 'DEAD' WASHING MACHINE. I think this works to people who are thrifty enough to just throw away their non-functioning washing machine.
10. Art media
Parts of the washing machine can be used as a medium in an art form, sculpture, mixed art, etc.

Photo Courtesy

9. Scrap
You can sell some of the parts of the washing machine to a junk store. From scrap to money :)

Photo Courtesy iScrap App Blog

8. Garbage Can
Stuff those garbage of yours in your washing machine. Clean and tidy, sin't it?

Photo Courtesy

7. Rice Container
Have one sack of rice and store it in the washing machine.
6. Curtains and Pillow cases
No more space for your curtains and pillow cases? Place those in here.
5. Used clothing
No space for your used clothes? Why not store it there for a while until you what have the opportunity to let these be given away.
4. Clothes compartment
Owning too much clothes? You may want to put it on your dead washing machine. hahaha.
3. Plastic ware dispenser
Tupperware plastic products, and other plastic wares can be stored here.
2. Sacks and plastic bags dispenser
Putting your used plastics and sacks here fore future use.
And on the top of the list...
1. Water dispenser
Many of us won't just throw their washing machine when it doesn't function well. Some of us stores water in it.
In general, your dead washing machine can still be of use or any things that you have. Majority of the afterlife role of a dead washing machine is that it can be a compartment of all sorts of things, if you don't mind to put your things here. Hahaha. What's important is that you should not just throw your things away. Recycle them. Make use of your creative mind to make another things out from your existing things. You, in what way do you use washing machine if it can't be of use?