Top 10 Traffic Techniques in SEO You Have Never Heard

Posted on the 03 December 2021 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

A fantastic website is absolutely useless if it does not generate any traffic at all. Attracting heavy traffic is a challenge that is faced by many people; there are many websites that have lost out on huge business opportunities simply because they failed to attract traffic. Attracting traffic is good but attracting the right kind of traffic is even more important. Lets us explore the world of possibilities that will help you overcome these problems.

You can start using long keywords while content writing. These days using single keywords to optimize your website does work anymore as the level of competition is higher. In fact this particular strategy does not even count those users who use an entire phrase instead of one single keyword.

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Locating primary keywords especially while blogging is very vital, however when you optimize the pages by using good keywords you are bound to attract a lot of traffic within a short period of time.

Creating a forum is a great way or optimization of the keyword and you can actually increase the rank for keywords. This strategy is known to produce results and for decreasing the frequencies of bounce.

Top 10 methods to increase traffic on your website

If you really want traffic on your website then you have to adopt methods that will produce good results at the end of the day. Here is a list of some of the techniques that you may not have heard about.

  1. Firstly you must maintain a signature link that you can utilize on the various forums that will link back to your site.
  2. If you are keen on drawing attention to your site then you must express a different opinion on any topic than the other people who are present. However you should justify your point of view.
  3. Create meaningful articles and put them on the various directories. You have to make sure that all the articles have useful information in them.
  4. Make full use of the press release. This is an excellent method to attract traffic on to your website. There are many websites like PR Web where you are allowed to post the press release. However include interesting content otherwise it may not be published.
  5. You should also think about including an RSS tab or a link to the site.
  6. Buy reviews written about your website and then post them on the other websites.
  7. Consider using Trading systems like Blog Rush
  8. Be sure to take full advantage of all the free directories that are there and put your website on them
  9. Try exchanging few links with relevant websites.
  10. You can also consider creating a profile on Amazon then you can start writing reviews.
Some other alternative methods
  • If you sell products on your site try to locate a website that sells same or similar items and strike a deal with them that will allow you to sell some of their items on your website. You can always divide the commission and this is a fantastic method to attract traffic to your website.
  • Try to gain recognition and then you must feature on more than one television station, radio station and online magazines.
  • Create headlines and titles that will stand out
  • Do not forget to hold surveys, through this you will actually end up informing people on what you have been up to.

Check out this video

Discussing certain techniques in detail

If you are really keen on increasing the traffic on your website then let us look at some of the methods in detail. These methods have been known to produce really good results.

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Following a definite marketing strategy to promote your articles is wise thing to do as it will help to create a lot of back links to your website. Utilizing articles in some directories is by far the most effective method to attract traffic and increase your popularity.

Making sure that your blog load faster is yet another way of increasing traffic on your website. A high performing site always goes down very well with the general public and so the users will be keen to view the content on your website.

Using the webmaster tools by Google is a good thing as you will be able to put forward a site map the various search engines. This will help your site to get indexed really fast. The best part is that you can use these tools to get feedback on the performance of your website.

Use trending topics as this is quite an amazing method that can actually improve the image of your website. Use topics like I Phone promotions or election of the President; these are always the most searched topics. This will actually prompt a lot of people to start searching for the latest topics; if you have these stories on your website then the search engines will give you a much better rank.

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Utilizing twitter is a good idea too as it is becoming a search engine too. If you hash tag you can actually attract a lot of traffic on to your website almost instantly.

Keeping your blogs and the content of your website updated at all times is great way to make a lasting impression on the users. When you add a new content you will see that there has been a rapid rise in the traffic of your website. After a while you will see a drop in traffic as the search engines are listing other websites that have fresh content on them.

This will serve as a hint that it is high time you start updating the content on your website to get a better ranking and to attract higher traffic. If you are always posting new content on your website you will be astonished to see the volume of traffic that the various search engines are diverting to your website.

Follow the tips mentioned and you will have no trouble in generating substantial traffic for your websites. What top traffic techniques you are using for your blogs. Please share in the comments below.