Top 10 Things To Consider When Choosing An Addiction Recovery Center

Posted on the 22 November 2022 by Bhangad12

Before choosing an Addiction Recovery Center, you must check out these top 10 things to consider when choosing an Addiction Recovery Center.

For some people, addiction is an illness that cannot be treated on its own, and they need the care of a professional. But most people find it hard to choose a recovery center that can handle their needs. Selecting the right program is crucial to your treatment if you want an actual outcome.

Before you choose a treatment facility, you want to identify your needs and goals. What do you hope to achieve at the end of your treatment? Once you have defined your needs, you can seek help from a treatment provider. They can be very helpful if you still need to identify what you want to accomplish and how to achieve them. They can also recommend the best rehab for your situation.

You must do your due diligence and investigate each. Every facility offers different programs. These programs vary depending on their intensity, the level of care given, and how long the treatments last. That being said, when choosing the best rehab, you must consider some things. These include:

Top 10 Things To Consider When Choosing An Addiction Recovery Center 

  1. Cost

Cost is the biggest part for most people when choosing a rehab. The cost of a treatment center changes dramatically depending on the facility, programs offered, and length of stay. The good news is there are many options available to help patients pay for rehab. Some of the most common options used are: 

  • The Affordable Health Care Act 
  • Medicaid and Medicare 
  • Self-funding 
  • Loans 
  • Private health insurance 
  1. Amenities

The kind of amenities offered is one of the biggest distinguishing factors between the cost and quality of rehabs. While some facilities provide a standard of living comparable to a 5-star hotel, some offer basic but functional establishments. Reputable treatment facilities such as Jackson house rehab want to ensure you find success in their program. As such, they provide everything you need to aid your recovery and make your stay worthwhile.  

Most treatment centers will include: 

  • Fitness training 
  • Expressive therapies 
  • A creative studio 
  • Exercise classes 
  • Beautiful landscapes  

The scope of amenities offered is massive. This means you will find a facility that offers whatever you want. The number of luxuries provided usually increases the cost of these facilities. Not everyone can afford these perks, or they find them unnecessary. 

Still, you want to be as comfortable as possible during your treatment. So, choosing the facilities, you would like included in your recovery center is up to you.

  1. Specialization

Regarding addiction treatment, every rehab has an area they specialize in. For instance, treating people with dual diagnosis or alcoholism might be a specialty. Still, some facilities have better success rates in treating some areas of addictions than other places. As such, you want to choose a treatment center specializing in treating people with your unique needs and having a positive track record.  

  1. Inpatient Versus Outpatient

There are two main forms of rehabilitation: inpatient and outpatient programs. The severity of your addiction will dictate the best rehab program for you. If you have a severe addiction, the inpatient program is more suitable. Both these treatment options have their benefits and drawbacks. The most suitable choice will depend on your unique needs. 

With the inpatient program, the patient is expected to live in the rehab facility during treatment. During their stay, they will be given around-the-clock medical care and supervision. Because of this environment, inpatient treatment programs are usually better for people dealing with other psychological or medical problems besides substance abuse. This program has a higher success rate but is more expensive and can interfere with your normal daily routine. 

On the other hand, the outpatient rehab option requires the patient to live at home and attend treatment sessions during the day. This program may be more appropriate if the addiction is not extreme and the patient wishes to attend rehab without disrupting their daily life. But since there’s less supervision and control in outpatient programs, a strong will to recover is needed to succeed.  

Since patients go home after the day’s treatment, they are likely to encounter many triggers and temptations that can be avoided in an inpatient program. As such, this form of treatment may be less effective to some, but it allows the patient to maintain their everyday life and is less expensive.

  1. Location 

The location of an addiction recovery center can also be a big factor in whether or not someone chooses it as their treatment facility. If the program is too far from where you live or work, it may not be worth the hassle of going back and forth every day to attend therapy sessions.

You also want to find a facility close to your home or office so you can make visits easily and conveniently. And find a facility with a track record of success so that you know it will be worth the time and money invested.

  1. Length Of Program

Most rehabilitation programs last for 30, 60, or 90 days. But it’s not limited to that. Many options are available, and they vary in length as well. While it’s unusual, some long-term residential treatment plans last up to one year.  

Experts recommend following a 60 or 90-day program. A 30-day plan may be too short to work through substance abuse. Despite that, there have been some 30-day programs that have been successful.  

Short-term treatment plans are great for patients with professional, familial, and financial commitments who cannot afford to be away for extended periods. Still, some facilities can modify individual treatment plans to be longer. Other facilities have a strict check-out timeline once a treatment program is complete.

  1. Treatment And Therapies 

When it comes to the treatment of drug and alcohol addiction, there are various therapy options and treatment models available. In short, anyone can find a treatment that works best for them. But it also means that one can easily choose a rehab facility offering therapies that are not necessarily the best fit. 

For this reason, you want to research different types of treatments and therapies to decide which might work best for you. With this in mind, facilities that offer one or two therapy types can help customize the specific care to address your unique needs. The best program should provide various evidence-based therapies to help you transition into sobriety and meet your future needs. 

  1. The Staff

The facility’s medical staff is an important aspect to consider when choosing an addiction recovery center. The doctors, nurses, therapists, and other medical professionals are all on hand to help those in need. Plus, they can have a profound effect on your treatment. Because of this, you want to familiarize yourself with the staff and get a feel of how they’ll be treating you. 

You also want to ensure they are adequately staffed. Ideally, the proper ratio of staff to patients is one to 5. If a staff member is serving more than five patients, then there’s a high chance they’ll be lacking in their ability to offer proper treatment and services.

  1. Insurance

Insurance can also determine what kind of facility you can attend. Depending on your insurance type, you may have coverage for some facilities but not others. Because of this, you must consider the type of insurance you have and how much coverage it provides for addiction treatment. 

Some facilities offer inpatient care only and require an overnight stay, while others provide outpatient care only and do not require an overnight stay. 

Some facilities offer inpatient and outpatient care but may require different levels of financial commitment depending on the care they provide.

  1. Accreditation

A rehab facility should meet certain standards set by authorized organizations. There are different levels of certification, but the organization, The Joint Commission, provides the highest standard. 

Accreditation is a process that evaluates and confirms that a rehabilitation center meets national standards for quality and safety. So, when looking for a rehab facility, you want to ensure they are accredited. This will give you peace of mind about the quality of care you will receive.


Finding the right addiction recovery center is a difficult and daunting task. When it comes to choosing an addiction recovery center, there are many factors that you should consider. You must select the right one for you and your needs. As such, you want to investigate the potential rehab center and decide whether you want inpatient or outpatient services.

Also, look at their specialty and treatment models and therapies offered. Do they align with what you want? What amenities are offered, and what is the cost? Where is it located, and what is the length of treatment? Plus, how are the medical staff?

You can decide which treatment facility will meet your needs best based on what you’ve discovered during your research.


The post Top 10 Things To Consider When Choosing An Addiction Recovery Center first appeared on Top 10 List of Best Product & Services of Each Category.