Top 10 Technology Mother’s Day Gifts 2014

Posted on the 07 April 2014 by Dreamtechie

The day when we honor those who brought us into the world is referred as Mother’s Day. Selecting gift for such wonderful day is quite daunting and challenging indeed, and gifts like chocolate and flowers are not suffice, especially if your mom is getting increasingly digital. Moms generally love gardening, music, traveling and cooking, but the chances of using technology are also higher till certain extend. Irrespective of technology your mom use today, there are broad spectrum of technologically advanced Mother’s day gifts available that she might greatly appreciate.

1 – Mini Netbook by HP
If your mom works, then she might find difficultly to manage time for you and her family. Therefore, mini notebook by HP would be the ultimate choice for her that she can carry into her purse and enjoy net surfing on the small screen to view the pictures and latest updates on social sites and enjoy live video calling with you without hamper their working schedule.

2 – HD Webcam
If your mom is working and living in another state, then you might not get to see her in person quite often, so gift her the next best thing, HD Webcam to communicate with her virtually whenever you like.

3 – Neat Receipts Mobile Scanner
You may help your mom to organize the clutter from her purse, desk, and wallet by gifting her digital receipt mobile scanner that will digitize her paperwork. So, give your mom the peace of mind that actually comes with the organization and ability to store her files and important documents in one single neat place, her computer.

4 – CANON Powershot SX210
If your mom is quite fanatic about scrapbooking, who really gets snap-happy when she have a camera in her hands, then it is the time to upgrade with the newer model, the Powershot SX201. The camera not only comes with some exceptional and advanced features, but it is also a purse-friendly model that easily fits into the purse and jeans pocket, thus enabling your mom to carry her camera wherever she wants.

5 – Digital Magazine Subscription
If your mom is getting digital these days and prefer spending most of the time with her tablet PC, then subscription to her favorite digital magazine would be an ultimate choice for her. She will enjoy having the latest updates on her finger tips, while saving few trees indeed.

6 – Kindle
This is another perfect Mother’s day gift for your mom that she can toss into her purse and enjoy reading the latest updates on the go. The thinner and lighter feature of the device enables the users to carry it anywhere they move and the screen of Kindle will make the reader feel like they are reading a real paper & ink book.

7 – Violight Uv Cell Phone Sanitizer
It is the perfect gift for hygiene conscious moms. They simply need to stick the cell phone in small tube and then press the on button, within five minutes all the germs will be removed from the phone, making it completely germ free.

8 – Casio TRYX
It is a 12megapixel camera that enables your mom to capture quality images and upload & share it on social sites directly from camera through its HDMI output. This is an advanced feature camera with motion-sensitive self-time that will allow your mom to capture images of entire family including your mom.

9 – Digital Photo Frame – If your mom is so simple and does not have much interest in techie gifts but she likes to click pictures and she is self obsessed then no wonder a customized photo frame will work a lot. Also you can create that photo frame with the most beautiful pictures of you and your mom.

10 – Flip Camera
This is the perfect Mother’s Day gift as it allows capturing images at any special occasions and easily fits into purse with ease. It captures High Definition images and the images can be viewed through its flip-up screen.

Do share your reviews via our comment section  if you have some better gifts ideas for this Mother’s day.