Top 10 Popular Dog Breeds in California

By Ciciwriter @suemagic

the ten most popular breeds, state by state… thanks to Seattle DogSpot…who posted that state’s most popular dog breeds…

in California and Nevada, American Pit Bull Terriers are the 2nd Most Popular dog breed (as well as other states)… yay… Nevada has Chi’s in the number one spot… and all of the rest of the dogs on California’s list except in different order of popularity…  with all of the Chi’s here in California that need homes, and just in my neighborhood, all of the Chi’s running around, I would have thought that they would have made it to the top 10.

Top 10 Popular Dog Breeds in California


1. Lab


3. German Shepherds

4. Yorkies

5. Shih Tzu

6. Maltese

7. Boxer

8. Terrier/unknown mix

9. Golden Retrievers

10. Standard Poodle

Top 10 Popular Dog Breeds in California

Blog Hop time…  thanks to Life with DogsTwo Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume…  grab theblog hop code