Sex life is not going good. How to improve the stamina during sex? Erectile dysfunction, male sexual health issue in which man is not able to maintain the erections. In this problem, narrowing of blood vessels occur and there is no proper blood supply to the penis. These sexual disabilities may lead to low esteem as the people feel hesitated to discuss their problem. But come onǃ don't feel shy because sexual health is not apart from your body. Home remedies and diet tips for erectile dysfunctions are efficient to get rid from this problem.
How diet and home remedies are furtiful for erectile dysfunction?
- Improper eating habits, nutritional deficiencies may also be cause of this problem. On the other hand unhealthy life style like excessive smoking, drinking, anxiety, depression, stress are also responsible for erectile dysfunctions. So we are listing the healthy diet and home remedies for erectile dysfunction.

1. Walnut and honey:
- Walnut is loaded with zinc and iron which are very helpful to improve the sexual performance in males. An amino acid, arginine present in walnut produces the nitric oxide that dilates the blood vessels and rises the blood flow to sexual organs.
- Hence this dry fruit is very useful to maintain the erections. On the other hand, aphrodisiac properties of honey are also quite effective to enhance the strength and stamina in males.
How to use:
- Consume 3-4 ounces of honey along with walnut daily.
- After honey and walnut consumption, drinking a cup of warm milk is quite good to enhance the performance.
2. Onions:
- Aphrodisiac properties of onion are quite beneficial to improve the erectile dysfunctions.
How to use:
- Taking the onion soup before going to bed is good for erectile dysfunction.
3. Ladies Finger:
- Use of lady finger to cure the sexual problems is famous and effective since ancient times. It is considered as - sexual tonic and an effective home remedy for erectile dysfunctions.
How to consume:
- Take the roots of lady finger and make the powder. Mix the 10-12grams of this powder with two tablespoons of mishri powder. Consume this mixture with a glass of warm milk. Consumption of this mixture is known to be very effective for the premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunctions. For best results consume it two times in a day.
4. Ginger:
- Improper blood supply to sex organs is the main cause of erectile dysfunction. Ginger is also another fruitful home remedy for erectile dysfunctions. Whereas the use of ginger enhances blood circulation to sexual organs.
How to consume:
- Mix one tablespoon of each with ginger powder and honey and take along with one half boiled egg before bedtime. To see the noticeable change in sexual performance, consume it regularly for a month.
5. Watermelon Seeds
- To improve the erections, watermelon seeds are good. They contain citrulline, (amino acid) which is utilized by our body to produce other amino acid, arginine.
- This Arginine is packed with amazing properties which help in the relaxation of blood vessels. On the other hand, arginine is good to boost up the nitric acid in the body which is helpful to improve the erections.
How to consume
- Watermelon seeds can be taken by making the pickle and stir fired.
- Alternatively, one can take the lemon seeds as snacks.
6. Pomegranate Juice:
- Daily consumption of pomegranate juice is known to be quite effective to treat the erectile dysfunction naturally.
7. Olive Oil
- Massage of olive oil on reproductive organ helps to improve the blood circulation. Use of olive oil is good for the erectile dysfunction.
8. Pumpkin seeds
- Pumpkin seeds contain the zinc, which is an essential mineral to improve the men sexual health. Use of these pumpkin seeds help to strengthen veins, arteries and also increase the blood circulation in the body.
How to consume
- Consume a handful of pumpkin seeds to resolve the erectile dysfunction.
9. Carrots
- Carrots are rich in anti-oxidants which help to maintain the proper blood flow in the body. Moreover it also helps to improve the stamina and vigor in males.
How to consume
- Take 150 mg of grated carrots and add one tablespoon of honey in it. Consume this mixture along with half boiled egg for a month to enhance the sexual performance.
10. Garlic
- An antioxidant present in the garlic named as Allicin, helps to strength the sexual organs and also maintains the good circulation of blood. Hence Use of the garlic is good to treat the erectile dysfunction.
How to use:
- Consuming the 3 - 4 cloves regularly for three months.
- lternatively cloves can also be taken by frying them in the cow ghee, until they turn golden brown.
- As the cow ghee removes the heat from garlic but maintains the aphrodisiac qualities. Consume it on a regular basis for three months.
- Take green leafy vegetables like broccoli and asparagus.
- Consume the vegetables rich in vitamin-c, beta-carotene and potassium like carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes and red bell peppers.
- Take the fruits like banana, apples, oranges, watermelon etc.
- Take the dry fruits like flax seeds, almonds, dates, figs, Brazil nuts and raisins.