Top 10 Ideas For Any Man Cave

By Dudepins @dudepins

What goes into a man cave? What do you need to create the man cave of your dreams? We wanted to give you ideas for your man cave so we put together our top 10 list of must have items for your man cave.


Nothing adds a personal touch like a custom butt grove in your classic leather arm chair. Every King needs his throne and is a great place to start when creating your man cave.


You have to have your buddies over when the game is on. Make sure they have lots of room with a big comfortable couch.

3. BIG A$$ TV

This is the most obvious item but need to be mentioned. Clearly your manhood is judged by the size of your TV and the width of your channel selection.


When shopping for speakers you want power. If the speakers aren’t capable of breaking windows then don’t buy them.


Not only can your computer do everything these days but they can add to the feel of your man cave. If you are going for a sleek man cave then pick up a macbook. If you are creating a more classic feel then go with the desktop.


Your desk is a show piece. If you want to say something without saying anything when you have people over then your desk selection is crucial. It doesn’t matter if you are a business dude or a causal dude the desk is a big part of any man cave.


This is one of those smaller things that can be a cool talking point in your man cave. Take a page out of Mad Men’s book and get this 50′s inspired lamp below.

8. BAR

Having a bar in your man cave makes it instantly cool. Having a place to serve up a few drinks is a must have in your man cave as drinking is what generally happens in a man cave.

9. Bar accessories

If you are going to have a bar make sure you have the right tools. Like a hammer to a handy man this cocktail kit is a must have for any bartender.

10. Humidor

This is next level class and one of those small things that speak very loudly about your man cave. Picking the right humidor for you in a personal process so don’t settle at the first one you find.

I hope this list helps all you dudes out there is the process of creating your man cave. Let me know if we missed anything on our list.

- Team Dudepins