Top 10 Girls Hate About Boys

By Khristinacarla @khristinacarla

So you wanna make a move to the girl you like? Okay, here’s the things you’ve got to avoid guys. 

1. Just when you think that Tokyo fashion looks cute… think again. Doesn’t mean that when it looks good you’d wear it too… PLEASE DON’T WEAR SKIRTS.

2. Do you seriously think having a bad boy image gets you anywhere? I would never introduce anyone who wears this kind of shirt or anything that says offensive things to others.

3. It aint true that even if you look handsome with a good body built you’ll still look great  with being sweaty. It’s actually a turn off. Girls would immediately think you stink.

4. Just as you hate seeing girls with hairy armpits, girls also hate hairy chest. 

5. Dirty nails! This would be one of the most disgusting things on earth.

Nail polish aint cool either. It looks dirty.

6. Smiling is very attractive to most girls but if you have this kind of set… well, I think you should start visiting a dentist now. I’m sure girls would run away from you if they see this…

7. Dumb men.

8. Wearing eye liner to get that rocker feeling isn’t really rockin’. It completely looks gay.

9. Stingy men. Its very ungentle man if you ask girls to pay for dinner, don’t you think?

10. Man with acne. Please consult a dermatologist. Girls would be very scared to touch your face if you have this.

And that’s my top 10 turn offs  with a guy. If you have more in mind you can send me a message. ;)