Top 10 – Films I Caught Up With in 2023

Posted on the 09 January 2024 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

When putting this list together though I have noticed that I actually missed reviewing a couple of the films, which is a slight fail. But at least I can then recognize them in this post!

The Big Sleep (1946) Review

I mean I absolutely adore Humphrey Bogart and this is a fantastic film noir film, he has plenty of wisecracks throughout and the chemistry with Lauren Bacall is just great.

Letter from an Unknown Woman (1948)

The suspense and build up in this one is second to none and really is an example of how older films certainly have a lot more when they had less to work with in terms of special effects.

Roman Holiday (1953) Review

I know classic Audrey Hepburn and I hadn’t seen it until 2023, which is just a terrible thing. However, I throughly enjoyed this one with Gregory Peck providing excellent support to Hepburn and vice versa.

Sabrina (1954) Review

None this one was a film that I really did adore, Hepburn and Bogart really did work when quite frankly it just shouldn’t have, a classic love triangle with plenty of twists and turns.

The Man with the Golden Arm (1955) Review

Now this film was very impressive for two reasons, the subject matter of gambling and a fine performance from Frank Sinatra who is just a joy to watch in a difficult role.

Marathon Man (1976)

This one I am sure I either attempted to watch before and maybe even started it once or twice, but 2023 was the year I eventually completed it. It has such wonderful suspense and is the film that may just make you never want to visit the dentist ever again.

Beverly Hills Cop (1984)

Classic Eddie Murphy and for whatever reason I just hadn’t managed to watch it up until this point. He was funny and on form as a cop in a different city.

Manhunter (1986) Review

This has to be the biggest surprise package of the year as quite frankly I hadn’t even heard of it before. The performances were excellent and Brian Cox’s Hannibal Lecter really did pave the way for Anthony Hopkins version didn’t it!

Spirited Away (2001) Review

Another film I had tried to watch many times over the years and given my Tokyo/Japan trip I eventually got round to not only watching it but appreciating the true genius of this film. It really is fantastic to see and who doesn’t love experiencing a new world?

The Sum of All Fears (2002)

Ben Affleck and Morgan Freeman, with plenty of action and twists and turns has to be seen as classic early 00s action film right? I certainly think so! Another in the unreleated Jack Ryan series with Affleck taking on that role in this one.

Did you catch up with any good older films in 2023?