Top 10 Favorite Snacks

Posted on the 21 July 2013 by Real Talk @talkrealdebate2012

This week I am sharing my favorite snack foods.  For the past month I have been posting my “Top 10 List.”  Every week I share my favorites in a different category.  Readers have so far enjoyed the posts.  I hope you share your favorite snacks.  I’ve realized in making these lists that narrowing any category into just ten is rather difficult; more so than one would think.

Nevertheless, here are my favorite snacks:

1.  Edy’s Slow Churned Cookie Dough Ice Cream

Seems only fitting I include an ice cream on my list on “National Ice Cream Day.”  I love eating ice cream.  Much to my own physical detriment of course (too much isn’t good for the waistline).  My favorite ice cream flavor is cookie dough.  Edy’s version is the best.  I literally avoid the ice cream aisle at the grocery store because I know otherwise I am going to purchase the yummy treat.  There’s something so pleasing about the smoothness of ice cream; especially during the recent heat wave.

2.  Matt’s Chocolate Chip Cookies

These are my favorite store-bought cookies.  I simply cannot eat just one of these tasty vessels of bliss.  Give me a couple of cookies and a glass of milk and I am one happy camper.  When it comes to devouring cookies I am a purist.  I like the simplicity and brilliance of a chocolate chip cookie.

3.  Hostess Cupcakes

Can you honestly look at that picture and not tell me don’t want to eat one of those cupcakes?  If you can, then there’s something wrong with you.  Maybe you just don’t have a sweet tooth.  I loved eating these delicious treats.  I usually would purchase them in the two-pack container.  I don’t know a single person that has had a cupcake and didn’t gulp it with a giant smile.

4.  Little Debbie Swiss Rolls

Like the cupcakes, these two-bite treats are nostalgic of my childhood.  The snack is a chocolate cake rolled alongside a decadent, white cream.  Now I might not be great at describing the rolls, but I think the picture speaks for itself.  How can you pass these up?

5.  Sun Chips (Originals)

These are my favorite chips to eat.  I actually have some at home.  Not only do they taste good, but they are one of the “healthier” chips to consume. They come in many different flavors, but I like the originals the best.

6.  Snyder’s of Hanover Snaps Pretzels

These are my favorite pretzels to eat.  What makes these the best is the taste and the size.  Many times you can buy pretzels that are really thick.  The snaps are bite-sized and truly act as a snack-food.

7.  World’s Finest Chocolate Caramel Bar

Besides my evident preference for chocolate, I love caramel.  This bar combines my two favorites.  It is the best caramel bar I’ve ever had.  I remember selling these bars for school fundraisers.  I would often purchase these for myself, while leaving the almond alternatives for my buyers (yes, I was a devious, young child).

8.  Watermelon

Give me fruit over vegetables any day of the week.    I literally could eat an entire watermelon.  That’s how much I love this fruit.  There’s nothing more refreshing (except maybe iced lemonade) on a warm day.  I prefer my watermelon cold.  Warm watermelon doesn’t have the same great taste.

9.  Fiber One Brownie

While a relatively new product, these snacks have become amongst by favorite.  Packing only 90 calories they make a great snack in between meals.  Who doesn’t like a brownie?  I also decided to add the snack to appease my “healthy” followers. 

10.   Hershey’s Cookies ’n’ Cream Bar

Lastly, this bar is the perfect option for those who like cookies and cream, but would want to eat it on the go.  As much as I like cookies and cream ice cream you can’t practically carry it around.  This bar is the perfect alternative.

What snack should have I included in my list? (I know one person in particular is going to say Twinkies)

If I’ve made you hungry, then I will this as a successful post!


Twitter: @adrakontaidis & @talkrealdebate

Check out my past lists:

Top 10 Favorite Songs

Top 10 All-Time Favorite Shows

Top 10 All-Time Movie List

Top 10 Destinations I Most Want to Visit